kylebakerio / portfolio

My personal website, written mostly in a one day hackathon. Would love to rewrite it. Never quite high enough priority it seems...
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rewrite personal site #25

Open kylebakerio opened 6 years ago

kylebakerio commented 6 years ago

update favicon, switch to mithril...

kylebakerio commented 6 years ago

Current build is a "super complex" modern setup, following Mithril's on-site guide. That has fallen out of date, however.

I considered sticking with it, because why not? Just to play with webpack and other tooling a bit?

But the guide doesn't work. Troubleshooting hasn't immediately work. There are 70+mb of dependencies before even starting work. It's overly complex, and this is a project I actually plan to maintain.

I had considered moving to a completely hand-rolled SPA setup, but on further consideration, I think I'll go with a minimal Mithril setup. At its tiny size, it is worth its cost, because it will be far more maintainable, and will also be an excuse to play with Mithril 1.0, which I still desired.