kyleconroy / grain

The Entire History of You
MIT License
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"Download your Twitter Data" #1

Open hyperfekt opened 6 years ago

hyperfekt commented 6 years ago

Are you aware of the download function at the very bottom of this page? It seems like it does most of what you're trying to achieve with grain without running into any API limits. If you additionally download retweet media and replies the set should be rather complete.

edsu commented 6 years ago

@hyperfekt thanks for sharing that download link. Do you happen to know how long that that has been available?

hyperfekt commented 6 years ago

I do not, I only discovered the option myself just recently.

kyleconroy commented 6 years ago

@hyperfekt I was not. This is far better than the Tweet archive. I'm working on a follow up post to point people in the right direction, as well as a set of protocol buffers for parsing the JavaScript files.

kyleconroy commented 6 years ago

The follow up post is complete. I'm now working on the new set of protocol buffers.

kyleconroy commented 6 years ago

You can follow along on the twitter-data branch

yepyepyep4711 commented 5 years ago

hello @kyleconroy, many thanks for this project.

I'm trying to find out if this can be used to parse downloaded twitter data. Can it? I've downloaded both the "archive" and the "data" from twitter, but only the archive have an html viewer, sadly.

What do you say?