kyledag500 / UltimateHub

The ULTIMATE hub plugin!
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Ultimate Hub Bugg #1

Open christophejr opened 10 years ago

christophejr commented 10 years ago


My config looks like this but i do not get a compass!

A list of Materials for bukkit can be found here:

Should the server selector be enabled?

enabled: 'true'

What should the menu say at the top?

menuTitle: '&4Select a Server'

How many slots should the menu be? INCRAMENTS OF 9

menuSize: '9'

What slot should the item be added in the inventory when joining?

giveSlot: '1'

List of items. (Just random names)


selector: type: COMPASS:0 displayName: '&4Server Selector' lore:

'1': type: COAL:0 slot: ‚1’ amount: '1' glow: 'false' displayName: '&4Survival’ lore:

What can i do????? I'm using Spigot.


kyledag500 commented 10 years ago

Do you get any errors?