kylefarris / clamscan

A robust ClamAV virus scanning library supporting scanning files, directories, and streams with local sockets, local/remote TCP, and local clamscan/clamdscan binaries (with failover).
MIT License
233 stars 68 forks source link

Virus analysis tools should use local heuristical analysis/sandboxes plus artificial CNS #119

Closed ETERNALBLUEbullrun closed 6 months ago

ETERNALBLUEbullrun commented 7 months ago

Repurposed from ("Allows all uses") Static analysis + sandbox + CNS = 1 second (approx) analysis of new executables (protects all app launches,) but caches reduce this to less than 1ms (just cost to lookup ResultList::hashes, which is std::unordered_set<decltype(sha2(const FileBytecode &))>; a hashmap of hashes).

Licenses: allows all uses ("Creative Commons"/"Apache 2") [Version of post is ? Move ClassSys above ClassSha2 · SwuduSusuwu/SubStack@7f38bd0 ] For the most new sources (+ static libs), use apps such as iSH (for iOS) or Termux (for Android OS) to run this: git clone && cd ./Substack/ && ./build less cxx/Macros.hxx

#define SUSUWU_SH_DEFAULT "\033[0m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_RED "\033[0;31m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_GREEN "\033[0;32m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_BLUE "\033[0;34m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_PURPLE "\033[0;35m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_CYAN "\033[0;36m"
#define SUSUWU_SH_WHITE "\033[1;37m"
#define SUSUWU_ERRSTR(WARN_LEVEL, x) std::string(GLUE(SUSUWU_SH_, WARN_LEVEL)) + std::string(x) + std::string(SUSUWU_SH_CLOSE_)
#define SUSUWU_CERR(WARN_LEVEL, x) std::cerr << GLUE(SUSUWU_SH_, WARN_LEVEL) << x << SUSUWU_SH_CLOSE_ << std::endl
#define SUSUWU_STDERR(WARN_LEVEL, x) fprintf(stderr, GLUE(SUSUWU_SH_, WARN_LEVEL) "%s" SUSUWU_SH_CLOSE_ "\n", x)
/* Use this to limit notices/diagnostics to debug builds (+ do conditional execution) */
#ifdef NDEBUG
# define SUSUWU_CERR_NOTICE(x) (true)/* skip */
# define SUSUWU_STDERR_NOTICE(x) (true)/* skip */
# define SUSUWU_CERR_DEBUG(x) (true)/* skip */
# define SUSUWU_STDERR_DEBUG(x) (true)/* skip */
# define SUSUWU_DEBUGEXECUTE(x) (true)/*skip*/
#else /* !(defined NDEBUG) */
#endif /* !(defined NDEBUG) */
/* Use this to do C versus C++ agnostic messages */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#else /* !(defined __cplusplus */
#endif /* !(defined __cplusplus */
/* Use this to reduce (conditional) print + (unconditional) execute into single statement */
#define SUSUWU_INFO_EXECUTE(x) ((SUSUWU_INFO(#x)), (x))
/* Use this to reduce (conditional) print + (conditional) execute into single statement */

less cxx/ClassPortableExecutable.hxx

typedef std::string FilePath; /* TODO: `std::char_traits<unsigned char>`, `std::basic_string<unsigned char>("string literal")` */
typedef FilePath FileBytecode; /* Uses `std::string` for bytecode (versus `std::vector`) because:
 * "If you are going to use the data in a string like fashon then you should opt for std::string as using a std::vector may confuse subsequent maintainers. If on the other hand most of the data manipulation looks like plain maths or vector like then a std::vector is more appropriate." --
typedef FilePath FileHash; /* TODO: `std::unordered_set<std::basic_string<unsigned char>>` */
typedef class PortableExecutable : Object {
/* TODO: union of actual Portable Executable (Microsoft) + ELF (Linux) specifications */
    PortableExecutable(FilePath path_ = "") : path(path_) {}
    PortableExecutable(FilePath path_, FileBytecode bytecode_) : path(path_), bytecode(bytecode_) {}
/*TODO: overload on typedefs which map to the same types:   PortableExecutable(FilePath path_, std::string hex_) : path(path_), hex(hex_) {} */
    const std::string getName() const {return "Susuwu::class PortableExecutable";}
    FilePath path; /* Suchas "C:\Program.exe" or "/usr/bin/" */
    FileBytecode bytecode; /* compiled programs; bytecode */
    std::string hex; /* `hexdump(path)`, hexadecimal, for C string functions */
} PortableExecutable;
typedef class PortableExecutableBytecode : public PortableExecutable {
    PortableExecutableBytecode(FilePath path_) : input(path_) {path = path_; if(input.good()) {bytecode = std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());}}
    std::ifstream input;
} PortableExecutableBytecode;

less cxx/ClassSys.hxx

extern int classSysArgc;
extern const char **classSysArgs;
/* Called from main(), stores {argc, args} into {classSysArgc, classSysArgs}
 * Much simpler to use path from args[0] (versus
 * @pre @code (0 < argc && nullptr != args && nullptr != args[0]
 * @post @code (0 < classSysArgc && nullptr != classSysArgs && nullptr != classSysArgs[0] */
bool classSysInit(int argc, const char *args[]);

typedef long long ClassSysUSeconds;
inline const ClassSysUSeconds classSysUSecondClock() {
    return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();

/* `argv = argvS + NULL; envp = envpS + NULL: pid_t pid = fork() || (envpS.empty() ? execv(argv[0], &argv[0]) : execve(argv[0], &argv[0], &envp[0])); return pid;`
 * @throw std::runtime_error("execvesFork(): {-1 == pid()}")
 * @pre @code (-1 != access(argv[0], X_OK) @endcode */
const pid_t execvesFork(/* const std::string &pathname, -- `execve` requires `&pathname == &argv[0]` */ const std::vector<std::string> &argvS = {}, const std::vector<std::string> &envpS = {});
static const pid_t execvexFork(const std::string &toSh) {return execvesFork({"/bin/sh", "-c", toSh});}
/* `pid_t pid = execvesFork(argvS, envpS); int status; waitpid(pid, &status, 0); return status;}` */
const int execves(const std::vector<std::string> &argvS = {}, const std::vector<std::string> &envpS = {});
static const int execvex(const std::string &toSh) {return execves({"/bin/sh", "-c", toSh});}

/* #if _POSIX_VERSION, `return (0 == geteuid());` #elif __WIN32__ `return IsUserAnAdmin();` #endif `return false;` */
const bool hasRoot();
/* #if _POSIX_VERSION, `root ? (seteuid(0) : (seteuid(getuid() || getenv("SUDO_UID")), setuid(geteuid)); return hasRoot();` #endif
 * Usage: setRoot(true); functionsWhichRequireRoot; setRoot(false); */
const bool setRoot(bool root); /* root ? (seteuid(0) : (seteuid(getuid() || atoi(getenv("SUDO_UID"))), setuid(geteuid)); return hasRoot(); */

template<class Os, class Str>
inline Os &classSysHexOs(Os &os, const Str &value) {
    os << std::hex;
    for(char ch : value) {
        os << static_cast<int>(ch);
    os << std::dec;
    return os;
template<class Str>
inline Str classSysHexStr(const Str &value) {
    std::stringstream os;
    classSysHexOs(os, value);
    return os.str();

template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto templateCatchAll(Func func, const std::string &funcName, Args... args) {
    try {
        return func(args...);
    } catch (const std::exception &ex) {
        SUSUWU_CERR(ERROR, funcName + " {throw std::exception(\"" + ex.what() + "\");}");
        return decltype(func(args...))(); /* `func(args...)`'s default return value; if `int func(args...)`, `return 0;`. If `bool func(args...)`, `return false;` */

less cxx/ClassSys.cxx

int classSysArgc = 0;
const char **classSysArgs = {nullptr};
bool classSysInit(int argc, const char *args[]) {
    if(0 < (classSysArgc = argc)) {
        classSysArgs = args;
        assert(nullptr != args);
        assert(nullptr != args[0]);
        return true;
    return false;

const pid_t execvesFork(const std::vector<std::string> &argvS, const std::vector<std::string> &envpS) {
    const pid_t pid = fork();
    if(0 != pid) {
        if(-1 == pid) {
            throw std::runtime_error(SUSUWU_ERRSTR(ERROR, "execvesFork: {-1 == pid}"));
        return pid;
    } /* if 0, is fork */
    const std::vector<std::string> argvSmutable = {argvS.cbegin(), argvS.cend()};
    std::vector<char *> argv;
    //for(auto x : argvSmutable) { /* with `fsanitize=address` this triggers "stack-use-after-scope" */
    for(auto x = argvSmutable.begin(); argvSmutable.end() != x; ++x) {
        argv.push_back(const_cast<char *>(x->c_str()));
    if(envpS.empty()) { /* Reuse LD_PRELOAD to fix */
        execv(argv[0], &argv[0]); /* NORETURN */
    } else {
        std::vector<std::string> envpSmutable = {envpS.cbegin(), envpS.cend()};
        std::vector<char *> envp;
        for(auto x = envpSmutable.begin(); envpSmutable.end() != x; ++x) {
            envp.push_back(const_cast<char *>(x->c_str()));
        execve(argv[0], &argv[0], &envp[0]); /* NORETURN */
    exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* execv*() is NORETURN */
#endif /* def _POSIX_VERSION */
const int execves(const std::vector<std::string> &argvS, const std::vector<std::string> &envpS) {
    const pid_t pid = execvesFork(argvS, envpS);
    int status;
    waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
    return status;
#endif /* _POSIX_VERSION */

const bool hasRoot() {
    return (0 == geteuid());
#elif defined __WIN32__
    return IsUserAnAdmin();
    SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "hasRoot(bool) {#if !(defined _POSIX_VERSION || defined __WIN32__) /* TODO */}");
    return false;
#endif /* def _POSIX_VERSION or def __WIN32__ */
const bool setRoot(bool root) {
    if(hasRoot() == root) {
        return root;
    if(root) {
        if(-1 == seteuid(0)) {
            SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(true) {(-1 == seteuid(0)) /* stuck as user, perhaps is not setuid executable */}");
#if 0
# ifdef __APPLE__ //TODO: says you must execute new processes to do this
# else //TODO: says you must spawn new processes to do this
        /* TODO: polkit? Until this is finished, you must use chmod (to give setuid to executable), or execute new processes (with `sudo`/`su`) if you wish to use firewall/antivirus (which require root) */
# endif /* __APPLE__ else */
#endif /* 0 */
    } else {
/* # ifdef LINUX // TODO: //
        uid_t sudo_uid = audit_getloginuid();
# else */
        uid_t sudo_uid = getuid();
        if(0 == sudo_uid) {
            char *sudo_uid_str = getenv("SUDO_UID");
            if(NULL == sudo_uid_str) {
                SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(false) {(NULL == getenv(\"SUDO_UID\")) /* stuck as root */}");
                return true;
            } else {
                sudo_uid = (uid_t)atoi(sudo_uid_str);
                if(-1 == setuid(sudo_uid)) { /* prevent reescalation to root */
                    SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(false) {(-1 == setuid(sudo_uid)) /* can't prevent reescalation to root */}");
//# endif /* def LINUX */
        if(0 == sudo_uid) {
            SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(false) {(0 == sudo_uid) /*stuck as root */}");
        } else if(-1 == seteuid(sudo_uid)) {
            SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(false) {(-1 == seteuid(sudo_uid)) /* stuck as root */}");
/* #elif defined __WIN32__ */ //TODO: says you must spawn new processes to do this
    SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "setRoot(bool) {#ifndef _POSIX_VERSION /* TODO */}");
#endif /* _POSIX_VERSION */
    return hasRoot();

less cxx/ClassSha2.hxx

/* const */ FileHash /* 128 bits, not null-terminated */ sha1(const FileBytecode &bytecode);
/* const */ FileHash /* 256 bits, not null-terminated */ sha256(const FileBytecode &bytecode);
/* const */ FileHash /* 512 bits, not null-terminated */ sha512(const FileBytecode &bytecode);
typedef FileHash (*Sha2)(const FileBytecode &bytecode);
extern Sha2 sha2/* = sha256 */; /* To compress, apps can execute `sha2 = sha1;`. To double hash sizes, execute `sha2 = sha512;`. (Notice: this does not recompute hashes which exist) */
const bool classSha2Tests();
const bool classSha2TestsNoexcept() NOEXCEPT;

less cxx/ClassSha2.cxx

/* Uses */
Sha2 sha2 = sha256;
/* const */ FileHash /* 128 bits, not null-terminated */ sha1(const FileBytecode &bytecode) {
    FileHash result;
    SHA1Context context;
    SHA1Reset(&context); /* If undefined, link sha1.o */
    SHA1Input(&context, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(bytecode.c_str()), bytecode.size());
    SHA1Result(&context, const_cast<unsigned char *>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(result.c_str())));
    return result;

/* const */ FileHash /* 256 bits, not null-terminated */ sha256(const FileBytecode &bytecode) {
    FileHash result;
    SHA256Context context;
    SHA256Reset(&context); /* If undefined, link sha224-256.o */
    SHA256Input(&context, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(bytecode.c_str()), bytecode.size());
    SHA256Result(&context, const_cast<unsigned char *>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(result.c_str())));
    return result;

/* const */ FileHash /* 512 bits, not null-terminated */ sha512(const FileBytecode &bytecode) {
    FileHash result;
    SHA512Context context;
    SHA512Reset(&context); /* If undefined, link sha384-512.o */
    SHA512Input(&context, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(bytecode.c_str()), bytecode.size());
    SHA512Result(&context, const_cast<unsigned char *>(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(result.c_str())));
    return result;

const bool classSha2Tests() { /* is just to test glue code (which wraps rfc6234). Use `../c/rfc6234/shatest.c` to test rfc6234. */
    const char nulls[65536 /* 65536 == 2^16 == 64kb */] = {0};
    std::string nullStr(nulls, &nulls[65536]);
    const ClassSysUSeconds tsDrift = classSysUSecondClock(), ts2Drift = classSysUSecondClock() - tsDrift, ts = classSysUSecondClock();
    const FileHash hash = sha2(nullStr);
    const ClassSysUSeconds ts2 = classSysUSecondClock() - ts2Drift;
    const std::string hashStrCompute = "0x" + classSysHexStr(hash);
    const std::string hashStrTrue = "0xde2f256064a0af797747c2b9755dcb9f3df0de4f489eac731c23ae9ca9cc31";
    if(ts == ts2) {
        SUSUWU_CERR(WARNING, "0 ms (0 μs) to compute `sha2(std::string(nulls, &nulls[65536])) == " + hashStrCompute + "` = inf mbps");
    } else {
        SUSUWU_INFO(std::to_string((ts2 - ts) / 1000) + " ms (" + std::to_string(ts2 - ts) + " μs) to compute `sha2(std::string(nulls, &nulls[65536])) == " + hashStrCompute + "` = " + std::to_string(float(65536) * CHAR_BIT /* to bits */ / (ts2 - ts) /* to bpμs */ * 1000000 /* to bps */ / (1 << 20) /* to mbps */) + "mbps");
    SUSUWU_NOTICE("This `sha2()` is from `./ --debug`: `./ --release` has 4x this throughput");
    if(0 == hash.size()) {
        throw std::runtime_error(SUSUWU_ERRSTR(ERROR, "`0 == sha2(std::string()).size();"));
    } else if(hashStrTrue.size() != hashStrCompute.size() && sha256 == sha2) {
        throw std::runtime_error(SUSUWU_ERRSTR(ERROR, "`sha2 = sha256;`, but `(" + std::to_string(hash.size()) + " == sha2(std::string()).size())`"));
    } else if(hashStrTrue.size() != hashStrCompute.size()) {
        SUSUWU_INFO("`(sha256 != sha2)`, `(" + std::to_string(hash.size()) + " == sha2(std::string()).size())`");
    } else if(hashStrTrue != hashStrCompute) {
        throw std::runtime_error(SUSUWU_ERRSTR(ERROR, "sha2(char nulls[65535] = {0}) did not compute " + hashStrTrue));
    return true;
const bool classSha2TestsNoexcept() NOEXCEPT {return templateCatchAll(classSha2Tests, "classSha2Tests()");}

less cxx/ClassResultList.hxx

typedef FileHash ResultListHash;
typedef FileBytecode ResultListBytecode; /* Should have structure of FileBytecode, but is not just for files, can use for UTF8/webpages, so have a new type for this */
typedef FilePath ResultListSignature; /* TODO: `typedef ResultListBytecode ResultListSignature; ResultListSignature("string literal");` */
typedef ptrdiff_t BytecodeOffset; /* all tests of `ResultListBytecode` should return `{BytecodeOffset, X}` (with the most common `X` as `ResultListHash` or `ResultListSignature`). `offset = -1` if no match */
typedef struct ResultList /* : Object */ { /* Lists of {metadata, executables (or pages)} */
    const std::string getName() const {return "Susuwu::struct ResultList";}
    std::unordered_set<ResultListHash> hashes; /* Checksums of executables (or pages); to avoid duplicates, plus to do constant ("O(1)") test for which executables (or pages) exists */
    std::vector<ResultListSignature> signatures; /* Smallest substrings (or regexes, or Universal Resource Locators) which can identify `bytecodes`; has uses close to `hashes`, but can match if executables (or pages) have small differences */
    std::vector<ResultListBytecode> bytecodes; /* Whole executables (for `VirusAnalysis`) or webpages (for `AssistantCns`); huge disk usage, just load this for signature synthesis (or CNS backpropagation). */
} ResultList;

template<class List>
const size_t listMaxSize(const List &list) {
    size_t max = 0;
    for(auto it = &list[0]; list.cend() != it; ++it) { const size_t temp = strlen(*it); if(temp > max) {max = temp;}}
    return max; /* WARNING! `strlen()` just does UTF8-strings/hex-strings; if binary, must use `it->size()` */
#else /* else !PREFERENCE_IS_CSTR */
    auto it = std::max_element(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [](const auto &s, const auto &x) { return s.size() < x.size(); });
    return it->size();
#endif /* PREFERENCE_IS_CSTR else */

template<class List, class Os>
void listDumpTo(const List &list, Os &os, const bool index, const bool whitespace, const bool pascalValues) {
    size_t index_ = 0;
    os << '{';
    for(const auto &value : list) {
        if(0 != index_) {
            os << ',';
        if(whitespace) {
            os << std::endl << '\t';
        if(index) {
            os << index_;
        if(pascalValues) {
                os << value.size() << value;
        } else {
            os << (index ? "=>0x" : "0x");
            classSysHexOs(Os, value);
    if(whitespace) {
        os << "\n};" << std::endl;
    } else {
        os << "};";
template<class List, Os>
void resultListDumpTo(const List &list, Os &os, const bool index, const bool whitespace, const bool pascalValues) {
    os << "list.hashes" << (whitespace ? " = " : "=");
    listDumpTo(list.hashes, os, index, whitespace, pascalValues);
    os << "list.signatures" << (whitespace ? " = " : "=");
    listDumpTo(list.signatures, os, index, whitespace, pascalValues);
    os << "list.bytecodes" << (whitespace ? " = " : "=");
    listDumpTo(list.bytecodes, os, index, whitespace, pascalValues);

template<class List, class List2>
/*  @pre @code !(list.empty() || hashes.full()) @endcode
 *  @post @code !hashes.empty() @endcode */
void listToHashes(const List &list /* ResultList::bytecodes or ResultList::hex*/, List2 &hashes /* ResultList::hashess */) {
    for(const auto &value : list) {
/* Usage: if `ResultList` was not produced with `.hashes` */
static void resultListProduceHashes(ResultList &resultList) {
    listToHashes(resultList.bytecodes, resultList.hashes);

/* @pre @code std::is_sorted(list.cbegin(), list.cend()) && std::is_sorted(list2.cbegin(), list2.cend()) @endcode */
template<class List>
const List listIntersections(const List &list, const List &list2) {
    List intersections;
    std::set_intersection(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), list2.cbegin(), list2.cend(), std::back_inserter(intersections));
    return intersections;
template<class List>
const bool listsIntersect(const List &list, const List &list2) {
    return listIntersections(list, list2).size();

template<class List>
/* return `list`'s `const_iterator` to first instance of `value`, or `list.cend()` (if not found) */
auto listFindValue(const List &list, const typename List::value_type &value) {
    return std::find(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), value);
template<class List>
const bool listHasValue(const List &list, const typename List::value_type &value) {
    return list.cend() != listFindValue(list, value);

template<class List>
const typename List::value_type::const_iterator listDefaultIterator = typename List::value_type::const_iterator(); /* Equates to "Not found" */
template<class List>
/* return `list`'s `const_iterator` to first instance of `std::string(itBegin, itEndSubstr)`, or default iterator (if not found)
 * @pre @code itBegin < itEnd @endcode */
typeof listDefaultIterator<List> listFindSubstr(const List &list, typename List::value_type::const_iterator itBegin, typename List::value_type::const_iterator itEnd) {
#pragma unroll
    for(const auto &value : list) {
        auto result = std::search(value.cbegin(), value.cend(), itBegin, itEnd, [](char chValue, char chIt) { return chValue == chIt; });
        if(value.cend() != result) {
            return result;
    return listDefaultIterator<List>;
template<class List>
/* @pre @code itBegin < itEnd @endcode */
const bool listHasSubstr(const List &list, typename List::value_type::const_iterator itBegin, typename List::value_type::const_iterator itEnd) {
    return listDefaultIterator<List> != listFindSubstr(list, itBegin, itEnd);
template<class List>
/* Returns shortest substr from `value`, which is not found in `list`
 * Usage: `resultList.signatures.push_back({listProduceSignature(resultList.bytecodes, bytecode));` */
const std::tuple<typename List::value_type::const_iterator, typename List::value_type::const_iterator> listProduceSignature(const List &list, const typename List::value_type &value) {
    ptrdiff_t smallest = value.size();
    auto itBegin = value.cbegin(), itEnd = value.cend();
    for(auto first = itBegin; value.cend() != first; ++first) {
        for(auto last = value.cend(); first != last; --last) {
            if((last - first) < smallest) {
                if(listHasSubstr(list, first, last)) {
                smallest = last - first;
                itBegin = first, itEnd = last;
    } /* Incremental `for()` loops, is O(n^2 * m) complex formula to produce signatures; should use binary searches, or look for the Standard Template Lib (or Boost) function which optimizes this. */
    return {itBegin, itEnd};
typedef struct ResultListSignatureMatch {
    BytecodeOffset fileOffset;
    ResultListSignature signature;
} ResultListSignatureMatch;
#include "Macros.hxx" /* SUSUWU_DEBUG */
template<class List>
/* Usage: `auto it = listFindSignatureOfValue(resultList.signatures, value)); if(it) {std::cout << "value has resultList.signatures[" << tohex(match.signature) << "]";}` */
ResultListSignatureMatch listFindSignatureOfValue(const List &list, const typename List::value_type &value) {
    for(const auto &signature : list) {
        auto it = memmem(&value[0], strlen(&value[0]), &signature[0], strlen(&signature[0]));
        if(NULL != it) {
        auto it = std::search(value.cbegin(), value.cend(), signature.cbegin(), signature.cend(), [](char ch1, char ch2) { return ch1 == ch2; });
        if(signature.cend() != it) {
#endif /* !PREFERENCE_IS_CSTR */
            return {it - value.cbegin(), signature};
    return {-1, ""};
template<class List>
/* Usage: `if(listHasSignatureOfValue(resultList.signatures, value)) {std::cout << "value has signature from ResultList.signatures";}` */
const bool listHasSignatureOfValue(const List &list, const typename List::value_type &value) {
    return -1 != listFindSignatureOfValue(list, value).fileOffset;

template<class S>
const std::vector<S> explodeToList(const S &s, const S &token) {
    std::vector<S> list;
    for(auto x = s.cbegin(); s.cend() != x; ) {
        auto it = std::search(x, s.cend(), token.cbegin(), token.cend(), [](char ch1, char ch2) { return ch1 == ch2; });
        list.push_back(S(x, it));
        if(s.cend() == x) {
            return list;
        x = it;
    return list;

less cxx/ClassCns.hxx

typedef enum CnsMode : char {
    cnsModeBool, cnsModeChar, cnsModeInt, cnsModeUint, cnsModeFloat, cnsModeDouble,
    cnsModeVectorBool, cnsModeVectorChar, cnsModeVectorInt, cnsModeVectorUint, cnsModeVectorFloat, cnsModeVectorDouble,
#ifdef CXX_17
    cnsModeString = cnsModeVectorChar /* std::string == std::vector<char> */
#else /* else !def CXX_17 */
/* */
#endif /* def CXX_17 else */
} CnsMode;

typedef class Cns : Object {
    const std::string getName() const {return "Susuwu::class Cns";}
    virtual ~Cns() = default;
    virtual const bool hasImplementation() const {return typeid(Cns) != typeid(this);}
    virtual const bool isInitialized() const {return initialized;}
    virtual void setInitialized(const bool is) {initialized = is;}
    virtual void setInputMode(CnsMode x) {inputMode = x;}
    virtual void setOutputMode(CnsMode x) {outputMode = x;}
    virtual void setInputNeurons(size_t x) {inputNeurons = x;}
    virtual void setOutputNeurons(size_t x) {outputNeurons = x;}
    virtual void setLayersOfNeurons(size_t x) {layersOfNeurons = x;}
    virtual void setNeuronsPerLayer(size_t x) {neuronsPerLayer = x;}
    /* @throw bad_alloc
     * @pre @code hasImplementation() @endcode
     * @post @code isInitialized() @endcode */
    // template<Intput, Output> virtual void setupSynapses(std::vector<std::tuple<Input, Output>> inputsToOutputs); /* C++ does not support templates of virtual functions ( ) */
    /* @pre @code isInitialized() @endcode */
    // template<Input, Output> virtual const Output process(Input input);
#define templateWorkaround(INPUT_MODE, INPUT_TYPEDEF) \
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, bool>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeBool;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, char>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeChar;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, int>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeInt;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, unsigned int>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeUint;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, float>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeFloat;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, double>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeDouble;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<bool>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorBool;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<char>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorChar;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<int>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorInt;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<unsigned int>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorUint;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<float>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorFloat;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::vector<double>>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeVectorDouble;}\
    virtual void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<INPUT_TYPEDEF, std::string>> &inputsToOutputs) {inputMode = (INPUT_MODE); outputMode = cnsModeString;}\
    virtual const bool processToBool(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeBool == outputMode); return 0;}\
    virtual const char processToChar(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeChar == outputMode); return 0;}\
    virtual const int processToInt(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeInt == outputMode); return 0;}\
    virtual const unsigned int processToUint(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeUint == outputMode); return 0;}\
    virtual const float processToFloat(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeFloat == outputMode); return 0;}\
    virtual const double processToDouble(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeDouble == outputMode); return 9;}\
    virtual const std::vector<bool> processToVectorBool(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorBool == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual const std::vector<char> processToVectorChar(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorChar == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual const std::vector<int> processToVectorInt(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorInt == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual const std::vector<unsigned int> processToVectorUint(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorUint == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual std::vector<float> processToVectorFloat(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorFloat == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual const std::vector<double> processToVectorDouble(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {assert((INPUT_MODE) == inputMode && cnsModeVectorDouble == outputMode); return {};}\
    virtual const std::string processToString(const INPUT_TYPEDEF (INPUT_TYPEDEF &input) const {auto val = processToVectorChar(input); return std::string(&val[0], val.size());}
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeBool, bool)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeChar, char)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeInt, int)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeUint, unsigned int)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeFloat, float)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeDouble, double)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorBool, std::vector<bool>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorChar, std::vector<char>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorInt, std::vector<int>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorUint, std::vector<unsigned int>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorFloat, std::vector<float>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeVectorDouble, std::vector<double>)
    templateWorkaround(cnsModeString, std::string)
    bool initialized;
    CnsMode inputMode, outputMode;
    size_t inputNeurons, outputNeurons, layersOfNeurons, neuronsPerLayer;
} Cns;

typedef class HsomCns : Cns {
/* Work-in-progress (`ClassCns.cxx` for more information): `HSOM` is simple Python-based CNS from
 * Examples of howto setup `HSOM` as artificial CNS;
 * [ ] suggests various syntaxes to use for this, with unanswered comments such as "Does this support classes?"
} HsomCns;
#endif /* USE_HSOM_CNS */

typedef class ApxrCns : Cns {
/* Work-in-progress (`ClassCns.cxx for more information): `apxr` is complex Erlang-based CNS from
 * Examples of howto setup `apxr` as artificial CNS;
 * "apxr_run" has various FLOSS neural network activation functions (absolute, average, standard deviation, sqrt, sin, tanh, log, sigmoid, cos), plus sensor functions (vector difference, quadratic, multiquadric, saturation [+D-zone], gaussian, cartesian/planar/polar distances):
 * Various FLOSS neuroplastic functions (self-modulation, Hebbian function, Oja's function):
 * Various FLOSS neural network input aggregator functions (dot products, product of differences, mult products):
 * Various simulated-annealing functions for artificial neural networks (dynamic [+ random], active [+ random], current [+ random], all [+ random]):
 * Choices to evolve connections through Darwinian or Lamarkian formulas:
} ApxrCns;
#endif /* USE_APXR_CNS */

less cxx/ClassCns.cxx

/* Sources: `git clone`
 * Install: `pip install pynum && pip install json && pip install git+`
 * Documentation: `less HSOM/` `less HSOM/` */
/* "If you're using Python >3.5, PyString_FromString() is PyUnicode_FromString()" */
#include <Python.h> /* Sources: `pkg install python` */
typedef class HsomCns : Cns { /* TODO. ( ) suggests various syntaxes to use for this, with unanswered comments such as "Does this support classes?" */
    //template<Input, Output> void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<Input, Output>>) { /* TODO: templates not allowed for virtual functions with C++ ( ), so must produce codes for each combination of inputMode+outputMode */
    void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<float, float>>) {
//  PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path.append('.')"); PyRun_SimpleString("import hsom; from hsom import SelfOrganizingNetwork;");
#if USE_PYRUN /* Was told not to use PyRun because "PyRun requires all results go to stdout" */
PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path.append('./HSOM/')");

/* Based off of
 * Not sure if `input_size` is "Inputs from each layer to next layer" and `node_count` is "Inputs to HSOM" (process(input.length())) or vice versa, assumed vice versa */

PyRun_SimpleString("import hsom
from hsom import SelfOrganizingNetwork
from random import sample

input_size = " + inputNeurons + "
layer_sizes = []
for x in range(" + layersOfNeurons + "):
    layer_sizes.append(" + neuronsPerLayer + ");
layer_sizes.append(" + outputNeurons + ");
input_percents = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.75, 1.0]
learning_rate = 0.05
boost_factor = 1
node_count = 5
winner_count = 1
initial_range = (-0.5, 0.5)

# Create layersOfNeurons+1 hierarchical layers of sizes = neuronsPerLayer, and outputNeurons for last
self_organizing_network = SelfOrganizingNetwork(

# Create a set of sparse samples
samples = []");
    foreach(inputsToOutputs as sample) { /* TODO: templates not allowed for virtual functions with C++ ( ), so must produce codes for each combination of inputMode+outputMode */
        PyRun_SimpleString("samples.append(" + sample.first() +" -> " + sample.last() + ")");
    PyRun_SimpleString("for i in range(200):
#else /* else !USE_PYRUN */
    PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("hsom")
    if(NULL == module) {throw "'hsom' module not found";}
    PyObject *selfOrganizingNetwork = PyObject_GetAttrString(module,(char*)"SelfOrganizingNetwork"); /* or  "PyObject *pDict = PyModule_GetDict(module);  PyObject *selfOrganizingNetwork = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, (char*)"SelfOrganizingNetwork");" */
    if(NULL == selfOrganizingNetwork || !PyCallable_Check(selfOrganizingNetwork)) {throw "'SelfOrganizingNetwork' object not found";}
    double result = PyObject_CallFunction(selfOrganizingNetwork, "d", 2.0); /* or "PyObject *pValue=Py_BuildValue("(z)",(char*)"args"); PyObject *pResult=PyObject_CallObject(selfOrganizingNetwork, pValue); if(NULL == pResult) {throw "PyObject_CallObject failed";} double result = PyInt_AsLong(pResult)); Py_DECREF(pValue);" */
~HsomCns() {
#else /* else !PYTHON */
#endif /* PYTHON3 else */
#endif /* USE_PYRUN else */
} HsomCns;
#endif /* USE_HSOM_CNS */

/* Sources: `git clone`
 * Howto install apxr_run: `less apxr_run/` or `lynx` */
typedef class ApxrCns : Cns {
/* TODO: (first result for "Howto use Erlang functions from C/C++"):
 * ""Port drivers: you can link a C code to the Erlang VM, and access it using port_command."" references , which appears to just show howto use C/C++ functions from Erlang (not vice versa)
 * ""C Nodes: With the ei library you can mimic a VM and talk to your Erlang VMs using the Erlang distribution format."" references , which shows some promises
 * ""The closest thing I know for interfacing Erlang with C++ directly is EPAPI. Of course it relies on the tried and tested C erl_interface that comes standard with the Erlang distribution."" references , which returns "404 not found".
} ApxrCns;
#endif /* USE_APXR_CNS */

less cxx/VirusAnalysis.hxx

typedef enum VirusAnalysisHook : char {
    virusAnalysisHookDefault = 0,      /* "real-time" virus scans not initialized */
    virusAnalysisHookQuery   = 0,      /* return present hooks (as enum) */
    virusAnalysisHookClear   = 1 << 0, /* unhook (remove present hooks), then parse rest of bits */
    virusAnalysisHookExec    = 1 << 1, /* hook {execl(), execlp(), execle(), execv(), execvp(), execvpe()} */
    virusAnalysisHookNewFile = 1 << 2, /* hook (for modeNew in {"w+", "a", "a+"}) fwrite((void *)ptr, (size_t)size, (size_t)nmemb, {fopen((const char *)pathname, modeNew), fdopen((int)fd, modeNew), freopen((const char *)pathname, modeNew, (FILE *)stream)}) */
} VirusAnalysisHook;
static const VirusAnalysisHook operator|(VirusAnalysisHook x,  VirusAnalysisHook s) {return static_cast<VirusAnalysisHook>(static_cast<unsigned>(x) | static_cast<unsigned>(s));}
static const VirusAnalysisHook operator&(VirusAnalysisHook x,  VirusAnalysisHook s) {return static_cast<VirusAnalysisHook>(static_cast<unsigned>(x) & static_cast<unsigned>(s));}
static VirusAnalysisHook globalVirusAnalysisHook = virusAnalysisHookDefault; /* Just use virusAnalysisHook() to set+get this, virusAnalysisGetHook() to get this */

typedef enum VirusAnalysisResult : char {
    virusAnalysisAbort = static_cast<char>(false), /* do not launch */
    virusAnalysisPass = static_cast<char>(true), /* launch this (file passes) */
    virusAnalysisRequiresReview, /* submit to hosts to do analysis (infection is difficult to prove, other than known signatures) */
    virusAnalysisContinue /* continue to next tests (is normal; most analyses can not prove a file passes) */
} VirusAnalysisResult; /* if(virusAnalysisAbort != VirusAnalysisResult) {static_assert(true == static_cast<bool>(VirusAnalysisResult));} */

extern ResultList passList, abortList; /* hosts produce, clients initialize shared clones of this from disk */
extern Cns analysisCns, virusFixCns; /* hosts produce, clients initialize shared clones of this from disk */

/* `return (produceAbortListSignatures(EXAMPLES) && produceAnalysisCns(EXAMPLES) && produceVirusFixCns(EXAMPLES)) && virusAnalysisHookTests();`
 * @throw std::bad_alloc, std::runtime_error
 * @pre @code analysisCns.hasImplementation() && virusFixCns.hasImplementation() @endcode */
const bool virusAnalysisTests();
static const bool virusAnalysisTestsNoexcept() NOEXCEPT {return templateCatchAll(virusAnalysisTests, "virusAnalysisTests()");}
const bool virusAnalysisHookTests; /* return for(x: VirusAnalysisHook) {x == virusAnalysisHook(x)};` */
static const bool virusAnalysisHookTestsNoexcept() NOEXCEPT {return templateCatchAll(virusAnalysisHookTests, "virusAnalysisHookTests()");}

/* Use to turn off, query status of, or turn on what other virus scanners refer to as "real-time scans"
 * @pre @code (virusAnalysisHookDefault == virusAnalysisGetHook() || virusAnalysisHookExec == virusAnalysisGetHook() || virusAnalysisHookNewFile == virusAnalysisGetHook() || (virusAnalysisHookExec | virusAnalysisHookNewFile) == virusAnalysisGetHook()) @endcode
 * @post @code (virusAnalysisHookDefault == virusAnalysisGetHook() || virusAnalysisHookExec == virusAnalysisGetHook() || virusAnalysisHookNewFile == virusAnalysisGetHook() || (virusAnalysisHookExec | virusAnalysisHookNewFile) == virusAnalysisGetHook()) @endcode */
const VirusAnalysisHook virusAnalysisHook(VirusAnalysisHook);
static const VirusAnalysisHook virusAnalysisGetHook() {return virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookQuery);}

const VirusAnalysisResult hashAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash); /* `if(abortList[file]) {return Abort;} if(passList[file] {return Pass;} return Continue;` */

/* To produce virus signatures:
 * use passlists (of files reviewed which pass),
 * plus abortlists (of files which failed), such lists as Virustotal has.
 * `produceAbortListSignatures()` is to produce the `abortList.signatures` list, with the smallest substrings unique to infected files; is slow, requires huge database of executables; just hosts should produce this.
 * For clients: Comodo has lists of virus signatures to check against at
 * @throw std::bad_alloc
 * @pre @code passList.bytecodes.size() && abortList.bytecodes.size() && !listsIntersect(passList.bytecodes, abortList.bytecodes) @endcode
 * @post @code abortList.signatures.size() @endcode */
void produceAbortListSignatures(const ResultList &passList, ResultList &abortList);
 /* `if(intersection(file.bytecode, abortList.signatures)) {return VirusAnalysisRequiresReview;} return VirusAnalysisContinue;` 
    * @pre @code abortList.signatures.size() @endcode */
const VirusAnalysisResult signatureAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash);

/* Static analysis */
/* @throw bad_alloc */
const std::vector<std::string> importedFunctionsList(const PortableExecutable &file);
extern std::vector<std::string> syscallPotentialDangers;
const VirusAnalysisResult staticAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash); /* if(intersection(importedFunctionsList(file), dangerFunctionsList)) {return RequiresReview;} return Continue;` */

/* Analysis sandbox */
const VirusAnalysisResult sandboxAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash); /* `chroot(strace(file)) >> outputs; return straceOutputsAnalysis(outputs);` */
extern std::vector<std::string> stracePotentialDangers;
const VirusAnalysisResult straceOutputsAnalysis(const FilePath &straceOutput); /* TODO: regex */

/* Analysis CNS */
/* Setup analysis CNS; is slow to produce (requires access to huge file databases);
but once produced, uses few resources (allow clients to do fast analysis.)
 * @pre @code cns.hasImplementation() && pass.bytecodes.size() && abort.bytecodes.size() @endcode
 * @post @code cns.isInitialized() @endcode */
void produceAnalysisCns(const ResultList &pass, const ResultList &abort,
    const ResultList &unreviewed = ResultList() /* WARNING! Possible danger to use unreviewed files */,
    Cns &cns = analysisCns
/* If bytecode resembles `abortList`, `return 0;`. If undecidable (resembles `unreviewedList`), `return 1 / 2`. If resembles passList, `return 1;`
 * @pre @code cns.isInitialized() @endcode */
const float cnsAnalysisScore(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash, const Cns &cns = analysisCns);
/* `return (bool)round(cnsAnalysisScore(file, fileHash))`
 * @pre @code cns.isInitialized() @endcode */
const VirusAnalysisResult cnsAnalysis_(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash, const Cns &cns = analysisCns);
const VirusAnalysisResult cnsAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash);

extern std::map<ResultListHash, VirusAnalysisResult> hashAnalysisCaches, signatureAnalysisCaches, staticAnalysisCaches, cnsAnalysisCaches, sandboxAnalysisCaches; /* temporary caches; memoizes results */

typedef const VirusAnalysisResult (*VirusAnalysisFun)(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash);
extern std::vector<typeof(VirusAnalysisFun)> virusAnalyses;

const VirusAnalysisResult virusAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file); /* auto hash = sha2(file.bytecode); for(VirusAnalysisFun analysis : virusAnalyses) {analysis(file, hash);} */
static const VirusAnalysisResult submitSampleToHosts(const PortableExecutable &file) {return virusAnalysisRequiresReview;} /* TODO: requires compatible hosts to upload to */

/* Setup virus fix CMS, uses more resources than `produceAnalysisCns()` */
/* `abortOrNull` should map to `passOrNull` (`ResultList` is composed of `std::tuple`s, because just `produceVirusFixCns()` requires this),
 * with `abortOrNull->bytecodes[x] = NULL` (or "\0") for new SW synthesis,
 * and `passOrNull->bytecodes[x] = NULL` (or "\0") if infected and CNS can not cleanse this.
 * @pre @code cns.hasImplementation() @endcode
 * @post @code cns.isInitialized() @encode
void produceVirusFixCns(
    const ResultList &passOrNull, /* Expects `resultList->bytecodes[x] = NULL` if does not pass */
    const ResultList &abortOrNull, /* Expects `resultList->bytecodes[x] = NULL` if does pass */
    Cns &cns = virusFixCns

/* Uses more resources than `cnsAnalysis()`, can undo infection from bytecodes (restore to fresh SW) 
 * @pre @code cns.isInitialized() @endcode */
const std::string cnsVirusFix(const PortableExecutable &file, const Cns &cns = virusFixCns);

less cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx

VirusAnalysisHook globalVirusAnalysisHook = virusAnalysisHookDefault; /* Just use virusAnalysisHook() to set+get this, virusAnalysisGetHook() to get this */
ResultList passList, abortList; /* hosts produce, clients initialize shared clones of this from disk */
Cns analysisCns, virusFixCns; /* hosts produce, clients initialize shared clones of this from disk */
std::vector<std::string> syscallPotentialDangers = {
    "memopen", "fwrite", "socket", "GetProcAddress", "IsVmPresent"
std::vector<std::string> stracePotentialDangers = {"write(*)"};
std::map<ResultListHash, VirusAnalysisResult> hashAnalysisCaches, signatureAnalysisCaches, staticAnalysisCaches, cnsAnalysisCaches, sandboxAnalysisCaches; /* temporary caches; memoizes results */
std::vector<typeof(VirusAnalysisFun)> virusAnalyses = {hashAnalysis, signatureAnalysis, staticAnalysis, cnsAnalysis, sandboxAnalysis /* sandbox is slow, so put last*/};

const bool virusAnalysisTests() {
    ResultList abortOrNull {
        .bytecodes {  /* Produce from an antivirus vendor's (such as's) infection databases */
    ResultList passOrNull {
        .bytecodes {  /* Produce from an antivirus vendor's (such as's) fresh-files databases */
    produceAbortListSignatures(passOrNull, abortOrNull);
    SUSUWU_NOTICE("resultListDumpTo(.list = passOrNull, .os = std::cout, .index = true, .whitespace = true, .pascalValues = false);");
    SUSUWU_DEBUGEXECUTE(resultListDumpTo(passOrNull, std::cout, true, true, false));
    SUSUWU_NOTICE_DEBUGEXECUTE((resultListDumpTo(/*.list = */abortOrNull, /*.os = */std::cout, /*.index = */false, /*.whitespace = */false, /*.pascalValues = */false), std::cout << std::endl));
    assert(4 == passOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    assert(passOrNull.bytecodes.size() - 1 /* 2 instances of "SW", discount dup */ == passOrNull.hashes.size());
    assert(0 == passOrNull.signatures.size());
    assert(4 == abortOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    assert(abortOrNull.bytecodes.size() == abortOrNull.hashes.size());
    assert(abortOrNull.bytecodes.size() - 1 /* discount empty substr */ == abortOrNull.signatures.size());
    produceAnalysisCns(passOrNull, abortOrNull, ResultList(), analysisCns);
    produceVirusFixCns(passOrNull, abortOrNull, virusFixCns);
    if(0 < classSysArgc) {
        PortableExecutableBytecode executable(classSysArgs[0]);
        if(virusAnalysisAbort == virusAnalysis(executable)) {
            throw std::runtime_error(SUSUWU_ERRSTR(ERROR, "{virusAnalysisAbort == virusAnalysis(args[0]);} /* With such false positives, shouldn't hook kernel modules */"));
    const bool originalRootStatus = hasRoot();
    return true;

const bool virusAnalysisHookTests() {
    const VirusAnalysisHook originalHookStatus = virusAnalysisGetHook();
    VirusAnalysisHook hookStatus = virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | virusAnalysisHookExec);
    if(virusAnalysisHookExec != hookStatus) {
        throw std::runtime_error("`virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | virusAnalysisHookExec)` == " + std::to_string(hookStatus));
        return false;
    hookStatus = virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | virusAnalysisHookNewFile);
    if(virusAnalysisHookNewFile != hookStatus) {
        throw std::runtime_error("`virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | virusAnalysisHookNewFile)` == " + std::to_string(hookStatus));
        return false;
    hookStatus = virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear);
    if(virusAnalysisHookDefault != hookStatus) {
        throw std::runtime_error("`virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear)` == " + std::to_string(hookStatus));
        return false;
    hookStatus = virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookExec | virusAnalysisHookNewFile);
    if((virusAnalysisHookExec | virusAnalysisHookNewFile) != hookStatus) {
        throw std::runtime_error("`virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisExec | virusAnalysisHookNewFile)` == " + std::to_string(hookStatus));
        return false;
    hookStatus = virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | originalHookStatus);
    if(originalHookStatus != hookStatus) {
        throw std::runtime_error("`virusAnalysisHook(virusAnalysisHookClear | originalHookStatus)` == " + std::to_string(hookStatus));
        return false;
    return true;
const VirusAnalysisHook virusAnalysisHook(VirusAnalysisHook virusAnalysisHookStatus) {
    const VirusAnalysisHook originalHookStatus = globalVirusAnalysisHook;
    if(virusAnalysisHookQuery == virusAnalysisHookStatus || originalHookStatus == virusAnalysisHookStatus) {
        return originalHookStatus;
    if(virusAnalysisHookClear & virusAnalysisHookStatus) {
        /* TODO: undo OS-specific "hook"s/"callback"s */
        globalVirusAnalysisHook = virusAnalysisHookDefault;
    if(virusAnalysisHookExec & virusAnalysisHookStatus) {
        /* callbackHook("exec*", */ [](const PortableExecutable &file) { /* TODO: OS-specific "hook"/"callback" for `exec()`/app-launches */
            switch(virusAnalysis(file)) {
            case virusAnalysisPass:
                return true; /* launch this */
            case virusAnalysisRequiresReview:
                submitSampleToHosts(file); /* manual review */
                    return false;
                return false; /* abort */
        } /* ) */ ;
        globalVirusAnalysisHook = (globalVirusAnalysisHook | virusAnalysisHookExec);
    if(virusAnalysisHookNewFile & virusAnalysisHookStatus) {
        /* callbackHook("fwrite", */ [](const PortableExecutable &file) { /* TODO: OS-specific "hook"/"callback" for new files/downloads */
            switch(virusAnalysis(file)) {
            case virusAnalysisPass:
                return true; /* launch this */
            case virusAnalysisRequiresReview:
                submitSampleToHosts(file); /* manual review */
                return false;
                return false; /* abort */
        } /* ) */ ;
        globalVirusAnalysisHook = (globalVirusAnalysisHook | virusAnalysisHookNewFile);
    return virusAnalysisGetHook();

const VirusAnalysisResult virusAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file) {
    const auto fileHash = sha2(file.bytecode);
    for(const auto &analysis : virusAnalyses) {
        switch(analysis(file, fileHash)) {
            case virusAnalysisPass:
                return virusAnalysisPass;
            case virusAnalysisRequiresReview:
                /*submitSampleToHosts(file);*/ /* TODO:? up to caller to do this? */
                return virusAnalysisRequiresReview;
            case virusAnalysisAbort:
                return virusAnalysisAbort;
    return virusAnalysisPass;

const VirusAnalysisResult hashAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash) {
    try {
        const auto result =;
        return result;
    } catch (...) {
        if(listHasValue(passList.hashes, fileHash)) {
            return hashAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisPass;
        } else if(listHasValue(abortList.hashes, fileHash)) {
            return hashAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisAbort;
        } else {
            return hashAnalysisCaches[fileHash] =  virusAnalysisContinue; /* continue to next tests */

const VirusAnalysisResult signatureAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash) {
    try {
        const auto result =;
        return result;
    } catch (...) {
        if(listHasSignatureOfValue(abortList.signatures, file.bytecode)) {
            return signatureAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisAbort;
        return signatureAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisContinue;

void produceAbortListSignatures(const ResultList &passList, ResultList &abortList) {
    for(const auto &file : abortList.bytecodes) {
        auto tuple = listProduceSignature(passList.bytecodes, file);
        if(std::get<0>(tuple) < std::get<1>(tuple)) { /* require `(0 < ResultListSignature.size())` to prevent crashes */
            abortList.signatures.push_back(ResultListSignature(std::get<0>(tuple), std::get<1>(tuple)));
    } /* The most simple signature is a substring, but some analyses use regexes. */

const std::vector<std::string> importedFunctionsList(const PortableExecutable &file) {
    return {}; /* fixes crash, until importedFunctionsList is implemented/finished */
 * Resources; “Portable Executable” for Windows ( ,
 * “Extended Linker Format” for most others such as UNIX/Linuxes ( ),
 * shows how to analyse lists of libraries(.DLL's/.SO's) the SW uses,
 * plus what functions (new syscalls) the SW can goto through `jmp`/`call` instructions.
 * "x86" instruction list for Intel/AMD ( ),
 * "aarch64" instruction list for most smartphones/tablets ( ),
 * shows how to analyse what OS functions the SW goes to without libraries (through `int`/`syscall`, old;  most new SW uses `jmp`/`call`.)
 * Plus, instructions lists show how to analyse what args the apps/SW pass to functions/syscalls (simple for constant args such as "push 0x2; call functions;",
 * but if registers/addresses as args such as "push eax; push [address]; call [address2];" must guess what is *"eax"/"[address]"/"[address2]", or use sandboxes.
 * shows how to analyse dynamic loads of functions (if do this, `syscallPotentialDangers[]` does not include `GetProcAddress()`.)

const VirusAnalysisResult staticAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash) {
    try {
        const auto result =;
        return result;
    } catch (...) {
        auto syscallsUsed = importedFunctionsList(file);
        std::sort(syscallPotentialDangers.begin(), syscallPotentialDangers.end());
        std::sort(syscallsUsed.begin(), syscallsUsed.end());
        if(listsIntersect(syscallPotentialDangers, syscallsUsed)) {
            return staticAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisRequiresReview;
        return staticAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = virusAnalysisContinue;

const VirusAnalysisResult sandboxAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash) {
    try {
        const auto result =;
        return result;
    } catch (...) {
        execvex("cp -r '/usr/home/sandbox/' '/usr/home/sandbox.bak'"); /* or produce FS snapshot */
        execvex("cp '" + file.path + "' '/usr/home/sandbox/'");
        execvex("chroot '/usr/home/sandbox/' \"strace basename '" + file.path + "'\" >> strace.outputs");
        execvex("mv/ '/usr/home/sandbox/strace.outputs' '/tmp/strace.outputs'");
        execvex("rm -r '/usr/home/sandbox/' && mv '/usr/home/sandbox.bak' '/usr/home/sandbox/'"); /* or restore FS snapshot */
        return sandboxAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = straceOutputsAnalysis("/tmp/strace.outputs");
const VirusAnalysisResult straceOutputsAnalysis(const FilePath &straceOutput) {
        auto straceDump = std::ifstream(straceOutput);
        std::vector<std::string> straceOutputs /*= explodeToList(straceDump, "\n")*/;
        for(std::string straceOutputIt; std::getline(straceDump, straceOutputIt); ) {
        std::sort(stracePotentialDangers.begin(), stracePotentialDangers.end());
        std::sort(straceOutputs.begin(), straceOutputs.end());
        if(listsIntersect(stracePotentialDangers, straceOutputs)) { /* Todo: regex */
            return virusAnalysisRequiresReview;
    return virusAnalysisContinue;

void produceAnalysisCns(const ResultList &pass, const ResultList &abort,
const ResultList &unreviewed /* = ResultList(), WARNING! Possible danger to use unreviewed files */,
Cns &cns /* = analysisCns */
) {
    std::vector<std::tuple<FileBytecode, float>> inputsToOutputs;
    const size_t maxPassSize = listMaxSize(pass.bytecodes);
    const size_t maxAbortSize = listMaxSize(abort.bytecodes);
    cns.setInputNeurons(maxPassSize > maxAbortSize ? maxPassSize : maxAbortSize);
    for(const auto &bytecodes : pass.bytecodes) {
        inputsToOutputs.push_back({bytecodes, 1.0});
    if(!unreviewed.bytecodes.empty()) { /* WARNING! Possible danger to use unreviewed files */
        for(const auto &bytecodes : unreviewed.bytecodes) {
            inputsToOutputs.push_back({bytecodes, 1 / 2});
    for(const auto &bytecodes : abort.bytecodes) {
        inputsToOutputs.push_back({bytecodes, 0.0});
const float cnsAnalysisScore(const PortableExecutable &file, const Cns &cns /* = analysisCns */) {
    return cns.processToFloat(file.bytecode);
const VirusAnalysisResult cnsAnalysis_(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash, const Cns &cns /* = analysisCns */) {
    try {
        const auto result =;
        return result;
    } catch (...) {
        return cnsAnalysisCaches[fileHash] = static_cast<bool>(round(cnsAnalysisScore(file, cns))) ? virusAnalysisContinue : virusAnalysisRequiresReview;
const VirusAnalysisResult cnsAnalysis(const PortableExecutable &file, const ResultListHash &fileHash) {
    return cnsAnalysis_(file, fileHash);

void produceVirusFixCns(const ResultList &passOrNull, const ResultList &abortOrNull, Cns &cns /* = virusFixCns */) {
    std::vector<std::tuple<FileBytecode, FileBytecode>> inputsToOutputs;
    assert(passOrNull.bytecodes.size() == abortOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    for(size_t x = 0; passOrNull.bytecodes.size() > x; ++x) {
        inputsToOutputs.push_back({abortOrNull.bytecodes[x], passOrNull.bytecodes[x]});

const FileBytecode cnsVirusFix(const PortableExecutable &file, const Cns &cns /* = virusFixCns */) {
    return cns.processToString(file.bytecode);

less cxx/main.cxx / with boilerplate /

#ifndef INCLUDES_cxx_main_cxx
#define INCLUDES_cxx_main_cxx
#include "AssistantCns.hxx" /* assistantCnsTestsNoexcept */
#include "ClassSha2.hxx" /* classSha2TestsNoexcept */
#include "ClassSys.hxx" /* execves execvex templateCatchAll */
#include "VirusAnalysis.hxx" /* virusAnalysisTestsNoexcept */
#include <cstdlib> /* exit EXIT_SUCCESS */
#include <iostream> /* std::cout std::flush std::endl */
namespace Susuwu {
void noExcept() NOEXCEPT;
NORETURN void noReturn();
void noExcept() NOEXCEPT {std::cout << std::flush;}
void noReturn() {exit(0);}
int testHarnesses() EXPECTS(true) ENSURES(true) {
    std::cout << "cxx/Macros.hxx: " << std::flush;
    std::cout << "pass" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "execves(): " << std::flush;
    (EXIT_SUCCESS == execves({"/bin/echo", "pass"})) || std::cout << "error" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "execvex(): " << std::flush;
    (EXIT_SUCCESS == execvex("/bin/echo pass")) || std::cout << "error" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "classSha2TestsNoexcept(): " << std::flush;
    std::cout << (classSha2TestsNoexcept() ? "pass" : "error") << std::endl;
    std::cout << "virusAnalysisTestsNoexcept(): " << std::flush;
    if(virusAnalysisTestsNoexcept()) {
        std::cout << "pass" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "error" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "assistantCnsTestsNoexcept(): " << std::flush;
    if(assistantCnsTestsNoexcept()) {
        std::cout << "pass" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "error" << std::endl;
}; /* namespace Susuwu */
int main(int argc, const char **args) {
    const bool classSysInitSuccess = Susuwu::classSysInit(argc, args);
    return Susuwu::testHarnesses();
#endif /* ndef INCLUDES_cxx_main_cxx */

To run most of this fast (lag less,) use CXXFLAGS which auto-vectorizes/auto-parallelizes, and to setup CNS synapses (Cns::setupSynapses()) fast, use TensorFlow's MapReduce. Resources: How to have computers process fast.

For comparison; produceVirusFixCns is close to assistants (such as "ChatGPT 4.0" or "Claude-3 Opus";) have such demo as produceAssistantCns; less cxx/AssistantCns.hxx

extern Cns assistantCns;
extern std::string assistantCnsResponseDelimiter;

/* if (with example inputs) these functions (`questionsResponsesFromHosts()` `produceAssistantCns()`) pass, `return true;`
 * @throw std::bad_alloc
 * @throw std::logic_error
 * @pre @code assistantCns.hasImplementation() @endcode */
const bool assistantCnsTests();
static const bool assistantCnsTestsNoexcept() NOEXCEPT {return templateCatchAll(assistantCnsTests, "assistantCnsTests()");}

/* Universal Resources Locators of hosts which `questionsResponsesFromHosts()` uses
 * Wikipedia is a special case; has compressed downloads of databases ( )
 * Github is a special case; has compressed downloads of repositories ( )
extern std::vector<FilePath> assistantCnsDefaultHosts;

/* @throw std::bad_alloc
 * @post If no question, `0 == questionsOrNull.bytecodes[x].size()` (new  synthesis).
 * If no responses, `0 == responsesOrNull.bytecodes[x].size()` (ignore).
 * `questionsOrNull.signatures[x] = Universal Resource Locator`
 * @code sha2(ResultList.bytecodes[x]) == ResultList.hashes[x] @endcode */
void questionsResponsesFromHosts(ResultList &questionsOrNull, ResultList &responsesOrNull, const std::vector<FilePath> &hosts = assistantCnsDefaultHosts);
void questionsResponsesFromXhtml(ResultList &questionsOrNull, ResultList &responsesOrNull, const FilePath &filepath = "index.xhtml");
const std::vector<FilePath> ParseUrls(const FilePath &filepath = "index.xhtml"); /* TODO: for XML/XHTML could just use [ ] or [ ] */
const FileBytecode ParseQuestion(const FilePath &filepath = "index.xhtml"); /* TODO: regex or XML parser */
const std::vector<FileBytecode> ParseResponses(const FilePath &filepath = "index.xhtml"); /* TODO: regex or XML parser */

/* @pre `questionsOrNull` maps to `responsesOrNull`,
 * `0 == questionsOrNull.bytecodes[x].size()` for new  synthesis (empty question has responses),
 * `0 == responsesOrNull.bytecodes[x].size()` if should not respond (question does not have answers).
 * @post Can use `assistantCnsProcess(cns, text)` @code cns.isInitialized() @endcode */
void produceAssistantCns(const ResultList &questionsOrNull, const ResultList &responsesOrNull, Cns &cns);

/* All clients use is these 2 functions */
/* `return cns.processStringToString(bytecodes);`
 * @pre @code cns.isInitialized() @encode */
const std::string assistantCnsProcess(const Cns &cns, const std::string &bytecode);
/* `while(std::cin >> questions) { std::cout << assistantCnsProcess(questions); }` but more complex
 * @pre @code cns.isInitialized() @encode */
void assistantCnsLoopProcess(const Cns &cns, std::ostream &os = std::cout);

less cxx/AssistantCns.cxx

Cns assistantCns;
std::vector<FilePath> assistantCnsDefaultHosts = {
std::string assistantCnsResponseDelimiter = std::string("<delimiterSeparatesMultiplePossibleResponses>");

const bool assistantCnsTests() {
    ResultList questionsOrNull {
        .bytecodes { /* UTF-8 */
            ResultListBytecode("How to cause harm?"),
            ResultListBytecode("Do not respond."),
    ResultList responsesOrNull {
        .bytecodes { /* UTF-8 */
            ResultListBytecode("65536") + assistantCnsResponseDelimiter + "65,536", /* `+` is `concat()` for C++ */
            ResultListBytecode("How do you do?") + assistantCnsResponseDelimiter + "Fanuc produces autonomous robots"
    assert(4 == questionsOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    assert(responsesOrNull.bytecodes.size() == questionsOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    assert(4 == questionsOrNull.hashes.size());
    assert(3 == responsesOrNull.hashes.size());
    SUSUWU_NOTICE_DEBUGEXECUTE(resultListDumpTo(questionsOrNull, std::cout, true, true, false));
    SUSUWU_NOTICE_DEBUGEXECUTE((resultListDumpTo(responsesOrNull, std::cout, false, false, false), std::cout << std::endl));
    questionsResponsesFromHosts(questionsOrNull, responsesOrNull);
    produceAssistantCns(questionsOrNull, responsesOrNull, assistantCns);
    return true;
void produceAssistantCns(const ResultList &questionsOrNull, const ResultList &responsesOrNull, Cns &cns) {
    std::vector<std::tuple<ResultListBytecode, ResultListBytecode>> inputsToOutputs;
    assert(questionsOrNull.bytecodes.size() == questionsOrNull.bytecodes.size());
    for(size_t x = 0; questionsOrNull.bytecodes.size() > x; ++x) {
        inputsToOutputs.push_back({questionsOrNull.bytecodes[x], responsesOrNull.bytecodes[x]});

void questionsResponsesFromHosts(ResultList &questionsOrNull, ResultList &responsesOrNull, const std::vector<FilePath> &hosts) {
    for(const auto &host : hosts) {
        execvex("wget '" + host + "/robots.txt' -Orobots.txt");
        execvex("wget '" + host + "' -Oindex.xhtml");
        questionsResponsesFromXhtml(questionsOrNull, responsesOrNull, "index.xhtml");
void questionsResponsesFromXhtml(ResultList &questionsOrNull, ResultList &responsesOrNull, const FilePath &localXhtml) {
    auto noRobots = assistantParseUrls("robots.txt");
    auto question = assistantParseQuestion(localXhtml);
    if(!question.empty()) {
        auto questionSha2 = sha2(question);
        if(listHasValue(questionsOrNull.hashes, questionSha2)) { /* TODO */ } else {
            typeof question response = "";
            auto responses = assistantParseResponses(localXhtml);
            if(!responses.empty()) {
                size_t responseCount = 0;
                for(const auto &responseIt : responses) {
                    if(1 != ++responseCount) {
                        response += assistantCnsResponseDelimiter;
                    response += responseIt;
                auto responseSha2 = sha2(response);
                if(listHasValue(responsesOrNull.hashes, responseSha2)) { /* TODO */ } else {
    auto urls = assistantParseUrls(localXhtml);
    for(const auto &url : urls) {
        if(!listHasValue(questionsOrNull.signatures, url) && !listHasValue(noRobots, url)) {
            execvex("wget '" + url + "' -O" + localXhtml);
            questionsResponsesFromXhtml(questionsOrNull, responsesOrNull, localXhtml);
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
#endif /* BOOST_VERSION */
const std::vector<FilePath> assistantParseUrls(const FilePath &localXhtml) {
    const std::vector<FilePath> urls;
    boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
    read_xml(localXhtml, pt);
            boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type &v,
            pt.get_child("html.a href"))
#else /* else !BOOST_VERSION */
# pragma message("TODO: process XHTML without Boost")
#endif /* else !BOOST_VERSION */
    return urls;
const FileBytecode assistantParseQuestion(const FilePath &localXhtml) {return "";} /* TODO */
const std::vector<FileBytecode> assistantParseResponses(const FilePath &localXhtml) {return {};} /* TODO */

const std::string assistantCnsProcess(const Cns &cns, const FileBytecode &bytecode) {
    return cns.processToString(bytecode);
void assistantCnsLoopProcess(const Cns &cns, std::ostream &os /* = std::cout */) {
    std::string input;
    while(std::cin >> input) {
        std::vector<std::string> responses = explodeToList(cns.processToString(input), assistantCnsResponseDelimiter);
        std::string response;
        if(responses.size() > 1) {
            int responseNumber = 1;
            for(const auto &it : responses) {
                os << "Response #" << std::to_string(responseNumber++) << ": " << it << std::endl;
        } else {
            os << << std::endl;
        input = ""; /* reset past messages */
#else /* !def IGNORE_PAST_MESSAGES */
                response += "Response #" + std::to_string(responseNumber++) + ": " + it + '\n';
        } else {
            response =;
        input += "\n<response>" + response + "</response>\n";
        os << response;
#endif /* !def IGNORE_PAST_MESSAGES */


Hash resources: Is just a checksum (such as sha-2) of all sample inputs, which maps to "this passes" (or "this does not pass".)

Signature resources: Is just a substring (or regex) of infections, which the virus analysis tool checks all executables for; if the signature is found in the executable, do not allow to launch, otherwise launch this.

Static analysis resources: has lots of open source (FLOSS) analysis tools (such as, which wraps ,) which show how to use hex dumps (or disassembled sources) of the apps/SW (executables) to deduce what the apps/SW do to your OS. Static analysis (such as Clang/LLVM has) just checks programs for accidental security threats (such as buffer overruns/underruns, or null-pointer-dereferences,) but could act as a basis, if you add a few extra checks for deliberate vulnerabilities/signs of infection (these are heuristics, so the user should have a choice to quarantine and submit for review, or continue launch of this). is part of Clang/LLVM (license is FLOSS,) does static analysis (emulation produces inputs to functions, formulas analyze stacktraces (+ heap/stack uses) to produce lists of possible unwanted side effects to warn you of); versus -fsanitize, do not have to recompile to do static analysis. -fsanitize requires you to produce inputs, static analysis does this for you. LLVM is lots of files, Phasar is just it’s static analysis:

Example outputs (tests “Fdroid.apk”) from VirusTotal, of static analysis + 2 sandboxes; the false positive outputs (from VirusTotal's Zenbox) show the purpose of manual review.

Sandbox resources: As opposed to static analysis of the executables hex (or disassembled sources,) sandboxes perform chroot + functional analysis. is just meant to locate accidental security vulnerabilities, but is a common example of functional analysis. If compliant to POSIX (each Linux OS is), tools can use: chroot() (run man chroot for instructions) so that the programs you test cannot alter stuff out of the test; plus can use strace() (run man strace for instructions, or look at ) which hooks all system calls and saves logs for functional analysis. Simple sandboxes just launch programs with "chroot()"+"strace()" for a few seconds, with all outputs sent for manual reviews; if more complex, has heuristics to guess what is important (in case of lots of submissions, so manual reviews have less to do.)

Autonomous sandboxes (such as Virustotal's) use full outputs from all analyses, with calculus to guess if the app/SW is cool to us (thousands of rules such as "Should not alter files of other programs unless prompted to through OS dialogs", "Should not perform network access unless prompted to from you", "Should not perform actions leading to obfuscation which could hinder analysis",) which, if violated, add to the executables "danger score" (which the analysis results page shows you.)

CNS resources: Once the virus analysis tool has static+functional analysis (+ sandbox,) the next logical move is to do artificial CNS. Just as (if humans grew trillions of neurons plus thousands of layers of cortices) one of us could parse all databases of infections (plus samples of fresh apps/SW) to setup our synapses to parse hex dumps of apps/SW (to allow us to revert all infections to fresh apps/SW, or if the whole thing is an infection just block,) so too could artificial CNS (with trillions of artificial neurons) do this: For analysis, pass training inputs mapped to outputs (infection -> block, fresh apps/SW -> pass) to artificial CNS; To undo infections (to restore to fresh apps/SW,) inputs = samples of all (infections or fresh apps/SW,) outputs = EOF/null (if is infection that can not revert to fresh apps/SW,) or else outputs = fresh apps/SW; To setup synapses, must have access to huge sample databases (such as Virustotal's access.)

Github has lots of FLOSS (Open Source Softwares) simulators of CNS at which have uses to do assistants (such as "ChatGPT 4.0" or "Claude-3 Opus",) but not close to complex enough to house human consciousness:

"HSOM" ( , license is FLOSS ) is a simple Python neural map.

"apxr_run" ( , license is FLOSS ) is almost complex enough to house human consciousness; "apxr_run" has various FLOSS neural network activation functions (absolute, average, standard deviation, sqrt, sin, tanh, log, sigmoid, cos), plus sensor functions (vector difference, quadratic, multiquadric, saturation [+D-zone], gaussian, cartesian/planar/polar distances): Various FLOSS neuroplastic functions (self-modulation, Hebbian function, Oja's function): Various FLOSS neural network input aggregator functions (dot products, product of differences, mult products): Various simulated-annealing functions for artificial neural networks (dynamic [+ random], active [+ random], current [+ random], all [+ random]): Choices to evolve connections through Darwinian or Lamarkian formulas:

Simple to convert Erlang functions to Java/C++ (to reuse for fast programs; the syntax is close to Lisp's.

Examples of howto setup APXR as artificial CNS; Examples of howto setup HSOM as artificial CNS; Simple to setup once you have access to databases.

Alternative CNS:

This post was about general methods to produce virus analysis tools, does not require that local resources do all of this;

For systems with lots of resources, could have local sandboxes/CNS.

For systems with less resources, could just submit samples of unknown apps/SW to hosts to perform analysis.

Could have small local sandboxes (that just run for a few seconds) and small CNS (just billions of neurons with hundreds of layers, versus the trillions of neurons with thousands of layers of cortices that antivirus hosts would use for this).

Allows reuses of workflows which an existant analysis tool has -- can just add (small) local sandboxes, or just add artificial CNS to antivirus hosts for extra analysis.


How to reproduce the problem

Scan new executables (that are not part of stock databases)

kylefarris commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure exactly what you're suggesting here...

ETERNALBLUEbullrun commented 6 months ago


Just suggest to match Virustotal's static analysis/sandboxes, plus use artificial neurons (CNS) to better secure us. Original post now has examples of this.

kylefarris commented 6 months ago

This module is an interface to ClamAV for NodeJS. Doing more than that would be out of the scope if it's use case. Thanks for your interest, though.

ETERNALBLUEbullrun commented 5 months ago developers asked for pull request. Lots to do. Anyone else want to do this?