kylejginavan / youtube_it

An object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
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Add Thumbnail Image? #218

Open hartator opened 10 years ago

hartator commented 10 years ago

Thanks for great code!

Any idea how to add a custom thumbnail to a video upload or is it not implemented yet?

bodrovis commented 10 years ago

I believe it is not implemented

blakeley commented 10 years ago

I have a nearly-working implementation of thumbnail uploads, but there's some bug that I can't work out.

class YouTubeIt
  class Client
    def thumbnail_update(video_id, data)
      client.thumbnail_update(video_id, data)

  module Upload
    class VideoUpload
      def v3_base_url

      def thumbnail_update(video_id, data)
        puts @dev_key
        upload_header = {
          "Content-Type" => "image/png", 
          "Content-Length" => "#{data.size}",
          "Authorization" => ": Bearer #{@access_token.token}",
          "X-GData-Key" => "key=#{@dev_key}",
        upload_url = "/upload/youtube/v3/thumbnails/set?videoId=#{video_id}&access_token=#{@access_token.token}"
        response = yt_session(v3_base_url).post(upload_url, data, upload_header)

client.thumbnail_update(yt_vid_id, open(thumbnail_filename))

When running this code, I get the following response:

AuthenticationError: { "error": {  "errors": [   {    "domain": "youtube.thumbnail",    "reason": "forbidden",    "message": "Forbidden",    "locationType": "header",    "location": "Authorization"   }  ],  "code": 403,  "message": "Forbidden" }}

The documentation at suggests I'm authorized and performing an action correctly, but my application isn't authorized. Either way, hard coding in the authentication parameters like this is less than ideal and should be managed in the authorization_headers method; I did it like this just to hack it together. Perhaps someone else can build on this code to finish this implement this method correctly.