kylejginavan / youtube_it

An object-oriented Ruby wrapper for the YouTube GData API
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git clone downloads very huge object #44

Closed mahkhaled closed 12 years ago

mahkhaled commented 12 years ago

I noticed when I try to clone the repo from github it takes some time to download huge object > 50 MB

egze commented 12 years ago

Yes, very annoying

kylejginavan commented 12 years ago

Be annoyed no more!

git clone Cloning into 'youtube_it'... remote: Counting objects: 2140, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (812/812), done. remote: Total 2140 (delta 1344), reused 1916 (delta 1250) Receiving objects: 100% (2140/2140), 502.83 KiB | 200 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (1344/1344), done. $ du -sh youtube_it/ 1.4M youtube_it/