kylem314 / p3-web-error-project

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6/1 - Scrum Team Umbrella Ticket #16

Open kylem314 opened 3 years ago

kylem314 commented 3 years ago

Umbrella ticket for P3 Web Error Runtime

kylem314 commented 3 years ago

This weeks ticket Unable to complete the first part, but made progress on the rest Code for this weeks ticket

For next week, instead of a full new ticket, I'm planning on finishing the 2 tickets that I was unable to complete before due to the website/game not being done. First one is linked above - this weeks ticket with getting user input working, and the second one is the incorporation of the elo system Code file next week Nothing in here yet, but I plan on finishing the user input system with James

statsprojectlol commented 3 years ago

This weeks ticket Unable to complete the first part, but made progress on the rest. Decided to use own user inputted data

Set up the data input here For next week, I plan on making a front end side html page for each user input for data

GingerTC commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket Issue (sometimes the ticket link does not work) Completed the login system and improved the navbar on the homepage

Next week's ticket Issue For next week's plan, I will be assisting James in making the messaging board function. I will be giving him ideas on how to make the database function correctly and I will try to make the layout of the messaging board.

aidanlin4 commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket Completed the news web API and created an about us page that has yet to be completed

Next week's ticket For next week, I plan on helping and collaborating with Calvin on the Rest API and completing the about us page

Bob1437 commented 3 years ago

note: both ticket links route to the same issue which contains my tickets

This week's ticket Finish in game messaging system and setup battleship U.I

Next week's ticket Finish battleship U.I and begin to attempt saving battleship placement data in database to simulate multiplayer

aidanlin4 commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket I finished the about us page styling and helped and collaborated with Calvin on the API

Next week's ticket I will be finishing the content for the about us page and will be assisting kyle or james in battleship

GingerTC commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket I only have one of my goal checked, but the one I completed was my main goal and primary focus

Next week's ticket I hope to have everything connect to the user's account and make the website unviewable unless the user signs in

Bob1437 commented 3 years ago

This weeks ticket Finish battleship U.I and begin to attempt saving battleship placement data in database to simulate multiplayer. Also work on profile/account page

Next weeks ticket: Finish creation of U.I and hopefully get some variant of multiplayer working

statsprojectlol commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket I finished the about us page styling and helped and collaborated with Calvin on the API

Aidan helped me connect everything together as well as put together the API endpoint and the crud model. His contribution is not recorded on the site as he sent most of the code via dm due to our collaboration. Therefore, even though it seems that I did the bulk of the work, Aidan was vital to the creation of these three items and I would not be finished without him.

Code found here

aidanlin4 commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket I finished the about us page styling and helped and collaborated with Calvin on the API

Aidan helped me connect everything together as well as put together the API endpoint and the crud model. His contribution is not recorded on the site as he sent most of the code via dm due to our collaboration. Therefore, even though it seems that I did the bulk of the work, Aidan was vital to the creation of these three items and I would not be finished without him.

Code found here

Thank you for acknowledging my help Calvin! You were also vital to the API and I couldn't have done it by myself

kylem314 commented 3 years ago

This weeks ticket

The full game on the front end is still incomplete, so I'll work with James on that this week. However, I was able to start creating functions for the html to python connection - Code here Additionally, I was able to complete most of the ELO system incorporation - just need to work with James on the database portion - Code here

kylem314 commented 3 years ago

This week's ticket I finished the about us page styling and helped and collaborated with Calvin on the API

Next week's ticket I will be finishing the content for the about us page and will be assisting kyle or james in battleship

Thanks for making the about us page look better & adding more information on it. Additionally, the API is coming along well - good work Calvin and Aidan on that