kylemanna / docker-openvpn

🔒 OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an EasyRSA PKI CA
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How to manage vpn with web gui on port 943? #552

Open zhangtyps opened 4 years ago

zhangtyps commented 4 years ago

之前看有人说943端口可以用来管理openvpn,但是看了下配置文件没一处提到有这个943管理端口,该如何使用web gui管理这个vpn呢?

Someone said before that port 943 can be used to manage openvpn, but I didn't mention the 943 management port in the configuration file. How do I manage this vpn using web gui?

yosefrow commented 4 years ago

@zhangtyps I don't know for sure if you can use a GUI in the free version of OpenVPN. But to me, it seems unlikely, as port 943 is the GUI port used for OpenVPN Access Server (AS) which is a different and commercial product for OpenVPN. You can however install and use it for free for up to 2 concurrent connections.

anhhtz commented 3 years ago

@zhangtyps I don't know for sure if you can use a GUI in the free version of OpenVPN. But to me, it seems unlikely, as port 943 is the GUI port used for OpenVPN Access Server (AS) which is a different and commercial product for OpenVPN. You can however install and use it for free for up to 2 concurrent connections.

Hello, Is this image limited 2 concurrent connections ?

DanielYWoo commented 2 years ago

Guess not supported in this image.

/ # netstat -nap
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
udp        0      0  *
JellevanKraaij commented 2 years ago

No this image doesn't support web configuration I suggest you to look at

debmaiia commented 4 months ago

Hey! I know it might be a bit late, but I developed a front-end so you can watch your VPN activities without having to use CLI. It's free and its also available on Dockerhub - we already have more than 100 users! Anyway, I would be happy to help and feel free to take a look.