kylemanna / sniffer

ESP32 Air Quality Sensor with PMSA003 + BME680 and 1.14" LCD
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How do I upload the files to the TTGO? #11

Closed zirdum closed 1 year ago

zirdum commented 1 year ago

Are there instructions on how to upload the yaml to the TTGO device?

Ralphy140 commented 1 year ago

This project uses ESPHome - check out the getting started on the home page, It works really well with Home Assistant and would recommend you read up on that to get started.

Just to be clear you dont "upload" the YMAL to the device, you use a tool called ESP home that turns the YAML into a compiled file that is then uploaded to the esp32, you never upload the yaml directly to the device, if you want to change it you need to re-complie it in esphome then re-upload the file

zirdum commented 1 year ago

Thank you. I figured out how to compile the yaml and uploaded it successfully to the ESP32.