kylemcdonald / BaristaBot

BaristaBot draws your portrait in your latte.
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add face tracking #1

Open kylemcdonald opened 11 years ago

kylemcdonald commented 11 years ago

alternatively, just try to focus on some centroid/standard deviation of the CLD image. this would probably be more robust to people wearing glasses, looking like hipsters, etc.

jamiezigelbaum commented 11 years ago

Ideally: people can stand generally in front of CoffeeFace (I like this name better than BaristaBot) and he would look up and move around until he found a face, then center on it, then snap a pic and proceed on.


kylemcdonald commented 11 years ago

not sure this is feasible given the arm design -- if we're going to "point" at a person, we need the degrees of freedom to actually orient the camera, not just position it. do we have that?

i'm less worried about false positives for face tracking than false negatives. if someone that doesn't exist gets picked up, you can ignore it. if someone isn't picked up at all, you have to manually select it, which is not good.

as a first order solution, let's just look up, take a large wide-angle shot, and find the center+range of the face. if we have time we can make it more lifelike.