kylemcdonald / ofxFaceTracker

CLM face tracking addon for openFrameworks based on Jason Saragih's FaceTracker.
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Using addon with KinectV2 #95

Closed moebiusfrost closed 9 years ago

moebiusfrost commented 9 years ago


i want to use the IR input of the KinectV2. The Device is already set up and running but I have no Idea how to use anything from the Kinect V2 with the facetracker. I tried to hook up kinect0 instead of videograbber cam but this did not work at all. I now replaced cam with tracker.update(toCv(kinect0.getColorPixelsRef())); bildschirmfoto 2015-05-15 um 17 26 36 It compiles but then this shows up: bildschirmfoto 2015-05-15 um 17 25 54

I'm totally new to openframeworks and I am thankful for every help you guys can give me. I know this is not an issue specificly connected to this addon but maybe someone can help


kylemcdonald commented 9 years ago

this looks like it's specific to kinect v2 having 0 width and height for some reason. can't help with that, sorry!