kylepaulsen / ValheimWebMap

A Valheim dedicated server mod to host a web accessible map.
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[Suggestion] Support for paths #2

Open rysson opened 3 years ago

rysson commented 3 years ago

I suggest add support for paths (ex. polyline). Path could have type (class name), and type could have attributes like color, width, stoke-type (ex. dashed).

It's enough for me to add paths in server files. Creating path in game /map-path start [TYPE] [NAME], /map-path add, /map-path done or removing /map-path delete [NAME or ID] will be a bonus.

Data in files may be ex. in JSON, to easier handle by any tool. It could be too for pins.

EDIT: paths (and pins) could have option to display name or show name od hover.

Bocephus commented 3 years ago

This would be an awesome enhancement.