kylephillips / favorites

Simple and flexible favorite buttons for any WordPress post type.
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Get Favourite Thumnail #50

Closed coderste closed 7 years ago

coderste commented 8 years ago

I think personally it would be an awesome idea if you could get the post thumbnail - this is just a suggest and would be pretty awesome.

Say you favourite a blog you can recognize that blog much easier if the thumbnail was there with it :)

ben-heath commented 7 years ago

I did it like this. Use the get_user_favorites(); function to bring all the post ids for that user, and store it in a variable. Then do a normal WP_Query, and set that variable as the value for posts__in in the query args.

That way you can get anything from those posts that you need, and display it.

I agree, it would be nice if this was just built into the functions from the Favorites plugin so you could just do this with the shortcodes, but it is still possible.

<div id="rw-favorites-posts" style="display: none;">
    $favorites = get_user_favorites();
    if ( $favorites ) : // This is important: if an empty array is passed into the WP_Query parameters, all posts will be returned
    $paged = ( get_query_var('paged') ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; // If you want to include pagination
    $favorites_query = new WP_Query(array(
        'post_type' => 'real-wedding', // If you have multiple post types, pass an array
        'posts_per_page' => -1,
        'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
        'post__in' => $favorites,
        'paged' => $paged // If you want to include pagination, and have a specific posts_per_page set
    if ( $favorites_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $favorites_query->have_posts() ) : $favorites_query->the_post(); ?>             
    <div class="grid-post_outer masonry-item masonry-brick">
        <div class="postformat-standard">
            <a class="blog-thumb" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
                <h3><?php the_title(); the_favorites_button(); ?></h3>
            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
                <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> 

 <?php endwhile; 
next_posts_link( 'Older Favorites', $favorites_query->max_num_pages );
previous_posts_link( 'Newer Favorites' );
else : ?>
    <h3 id="no-favs-yet">No Favorites Yet</h3>
    <p>Click on a heart to save a wedding as one of your favorites.<br>Reload the page to see your updated favorites.</p>
 <?php endif; wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
 <?php endif; ?>
noonecaresman commented 7 years ago

Hey can you please specify where to put this code? Also instead of the thumbnail i would like to display all the content of the favorited post is that possible? And do you know what happens if a plugin is removed by it's developer? Will it still be working on my website?

Thank you in advance!

ben-heath commented 7 years ago

The code I posted above would go in a template file. Just depends on where you're wanting it to show up.

As for displaying the content, yes, you can do that. The method I used is just a standard WP_Query, and once you have the loop setup, you would call the function "the_content()" where you want it to show up, in the same way I called "the_title()" or "the_permalink()".

noonecaresman commented 7 years ago

Hey thank you so much for the reply..this was my first question here! Also im afraid im to inexperienced to completely understand your method. To be specific:

1#. In what template file do i add the code? I want the content to show up here. it is a page not a post.

2#. Can you specify where to put the "the_content()" function. Is it at the "the_title()" or "the_permalink()" or both?

Hopefully you can help.


noonecaresman commented 7 years ago

Can you please help me a little with my question above? it would mean the world to me and willing to pay you, no problem with paypal.. Thank you.

ben-heath commented 7 years ago

WordPress is made up of several php templates:

Since you only want the code to show up on that one specific page, you'd need to create a template file for just it. There are several ways. You could create a page template, and assign it to that page in its editor. You could create a php file like "page-opgeslagen.php", and that would be automatically used when that page is viewed.

To do this, you'll want to use a Child theme, and copy the parent theme's page.php file, change the filename to page-opgeslagen.php, and then change the code within that file to have the "favorites" code added within, in the position where you need it to show up on the page.

the_content() doesn't have to replace the_title() or the_permalink(). It just depends on what you're wanting to show. If you don't want the title or the links to show up, don't use those functions.

It does take some basic knowledge of HTML and PHP to work with template files, which you can learn for free here:

noonecaresman commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much for the reply! You are the man. Im going to try this out. And I will let you know when and if i manage to fix it! I do have two specific questions (again) just to be sure.

  1. Is this peace of the code also php or is it html? <div id="rw-favorites-posts" style="display: none;"></div>

  2. When i am in the page editor, do i still add the shortcode of the plugin to make the favorite items show up or does everything now go automatically when everything is done correctly.

Blessings from Amsterdam.

noonecaresman commented 7 years ago

Hey unfortunately it didn't work.

This is what i did: I made a new page (not post) called and on that page i added this shortcode to display the users favorite posts [user_favorites user_id="" include_links="true" site_id="" post_types="" include_buttons="false"]

I duplicated "page.php" and renamed one of the two versions to "page-opgeslagen2.php" the original page code looks like this:

`<?php /**

get_header(); ?>

` It also gets the footer and div class=row but those just don't show in the code above no matter what i try.....Anyway I started fiddling around by adding your code before and afer the loop closes in the original page code. I also posted it before `
` that all didn't work but when i delete `` It does show the

No Favorites Yet

Click on a heart to save a wedding as one of your favorites.
Reload the page to see your updated favorites.

piece of the code. But no thumbnail or content. For now i left the `` removed. I'm not sure about what to do...And i feel a bit sweaty:P Can you pls help again? when you need an item to save you can find it on this page. [](url) I hope you can help i will absolutely pay you! Im pretty sure the code affects the right page but it just doesnt show the content (i did put the_content() instead of the_post_thumbnail. I also tried removing the shortcode on the page but that didnt help either. Hopefully i hear from you. Cheers! bye.
kylephillips commented 7 years ago

The newest release of the plugin includes an additional parameter in the list shortcode to include the post thumbnail, and specify a size. To enable thumbnails, set the include_thumbnails parameter to true.

[user_favorites user_id="" include_links="true" site_id="" post_types="" include_buttons="false" include_thumbnails="false" thumbnail_size="thumbnail" include_excerpts="false"]

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue… getting into specifics about theming may be better served on another platform.

ben-heath commented 7 years ago

Thanks Kyle!