kylewest / DotNetShipping

UPS, FedEx, USPS shipping rate calculators for .NET
MIT License
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Nuget package doesn't work in dot net 4.5 #72

Closed solmead closed 7 years ago

solmead commented 7 years ago

The NuGet package does not contain any assembly refrencesthat are compatible with the .NET Framework Version 4.5. There should be something in it's description if it only supports specific versions. Could it be updated to support 4.5?

kylewest commented 7 years ago

are you referring to .net 4.5.0? I see 4.5.2 in project properties. I changed to 4.5.0 and it built and tests were run successfully so it should work with 4.5.0.

To be honest though, I'm not entirely sure how best to do framework targeting in a package. Would be happy to merge a pull request if you figure it out.


SANOZUKESAKARA commented 7 years ago

Hi, I changed from 4.5.2 to 4.5.

I still get errror:

Error 22 'DotNetShipping.ShippingProviders.UPSProvider.DEVELOPMENT_RATES_URL' is a 'field' but is used like a 'type' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 129 75 DotNetShipping Error 21 'DotNetShipping.ShippingProviders.UPSProvider.UseProduction' is a 'property' but is used like a 'type' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 129 36 DotNetShipping Error 18 ; expected C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 129 33 DotNetShipping Error 19 ; expected C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 129 73 DotNetShipping Error 20 Invalid token ';' in class, struct, or interface member declaration C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 129 96 DotNetShipping Error 23 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'DotNetShipping.Extensions.ToUpsShipCode(string)' and 'DotNetShipping.Extensions.ToUpsShipCode(string)' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping\ShippingProviders\UPSProvider.cs 217 51 DotNetShipping Error 14 The type or namespace name 'IRateAdjuster' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\SampleApp\PercentageRateAdjuster.cs 3 43 SampleApp Error 16 The type or namespace name 'Rate' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\SampleApp\PercentageRateAdjuster.cs 12 16 SampleApp Error 17 The type or namespace name 'Rate' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\SampleApp\PercentageRateAdjuster.cs 12 32 SampleApp Error 15 The type or namespace name 'ShippingProviders' does not exist in the namespace 'DotNetShipping' (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\SampleApp\Program.cs 5 22 SampleApp Error 4 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 48 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 5 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 71 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 6 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 94 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 7 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 117 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 8 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 143 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 9 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 166 29 DotNetShipping.Tests Error 10 Unexpected character '$' C:\dev\other project\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping-master\DotNetShipping.Tests\Features\UPSRates.cs 189 29 DotNetShipping.Tests

kylewest commented 7 years ago


I didn't have the same issue. I changed the targeting to .net 4.5 and will publish a new NuGet package shortly.

kylewest commented 7 years ago

v0.9.5.90 now available on NuGet.