kyma-incubator / local-kyma

Local installation on k3d cluster
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certificates are piling up on every new instalation #2

Closed valentinvieriu closed 4 years ago

valentinvieriu commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to reuse old certificates? The more we do local installs, the more certificates we have image

pbochynski commented 4 years ago

I had a plan to add the conditional in the script that checks if certificate file exists in current folder and contains valid certificate. In that case skip cert-manager installation and create kyma-gateway-certs secret from file. But I do not like to introduce another logic in bash script and postponed it until we have support in CLI. I would imagine another flag where you can pass certificate to be used instead of using cert-manager.

pbochynski commented 4 years ago

I wanted to keep support for cert-manager, but after a while, I think it doesn't make sense. I will replace cert-manager with static certificate valid for 10 years. Something like this:

pbochynski commented 4 years ago

Solved by removing cert-manager and using static certificate valid for 10 years.