Introduce warden component reconciler that would clean up the removed volume mount
Warden 0.10.0 introduced a change that removed volume mounts.
When 0.10.0 was introduced to stage reconciler havent cleaned up the volume mounts - causing an Crashloopbackoff incident for warden admission on many of the managed clusters.
19T09:11:07Z","caller":"admission/main.go:103","message":"failed to save certificate from secretfailed to save server cert to file '/tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs/server-cert.pem': open /tmp/k8s-webhook-server/serving-certs/server-cert.pem: read-only file system","context":{}}
This should be avoided when installing warden 0.10.0 on prod.
Introduce warden component reconciler that would clean up the removed volume mount
Warden 0.10.0 introduced a change that removed volume mounts.
When 0.10.0 was introduced to stage reconciler havent cleaned up the volume mounts - causing an Crashloopbackoff incident for warden admission on many of the managed clusters.
This should be avoided when installing warden 0.10.0 on prod.