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[ADR] API proposal for APIRule v1beta2 #977

Closed werdes72 closed 2 weeks ago

werdes72 commented 3 months ago

APIRule v1beta2 API Proposal

Date: 2024-03-22



Due to the deprecation of Ory and the introduction of new features in API Gateway, the next version of APIRule resource needs to be defined.



Field Mandatory Description Validation
gateway YES Specifies the Istio Gateway.
corsPolicy NO Allows configuring CORS headers sent with the response. If corsPolicy is not defined, the default values are applied. If corsPolicy is configured, only the CORS headers defined in the APIRule are sent with the response. For more information, see the decision record.
corsPolicy.allowHeaders NO Specifies headers allowed with the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header.
corsPolicy.allowMethods NO Specifies methods allowed with the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header.
corsPolicy.allowOrigins NO Specifies origins allowed with the Access-Control-Allow-Origins CORS header.
corsPolicy.allowCredentials NO Specifies whether credentials are allowed in the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header.
corsPolicy.exposeHeaders NO Specifies headers exposed with the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header.
corsPolicy.maxAge NO Specifies the maximum age of CORS policy cache. The value is provided in the Access-Control-Max-Age CORS header.
hosts YES Specifies the Service's communication address for inbound external traffic. If only the leftmost label is provided, the default domain name is used. The full domain name or the leftmost label cannot contain the wildcard character *. NO Specifies the name of the exposed Service.
service.namespace NO Specifies the namespace of the exposed Service.
service.port NO Specifies the communication port of the exposed Service.
timeout NO Specifies the timeout for HTTP requests in seconds for all Access Rules. The value can be overridden for each Access Rule.
If no timeout is specified, the default timeout of 180 seconds applies.
The maximum timeout is limited to 3900 seconds (65 minutes).
rules YES Specifies the list of Access Rules.
rules.service NO Services definitions at this level have higher precedence than the Service definition at the spec.service level.
rules.path YES Specifies the path of the exposed Service. If the configured path of a rule overlaps with the path of another rule, e.g. if a rule defines * in the path, the configuration of both rules is applied. Value can be either exact path or a wildcard *.
rules.methods NO Specifies the list of HTTP request methods available for spec.rules.path. The list of supported methods is defined in RFC 9910: HTTP Semantics and RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP.
rules.mutators NO Specifies the list of the request mutators. Currently, the Headers and Cookie mutators are supported. For more information, see the documentation.
rules.noAuth NO Setting noAuth to true disables authorization. When noAuth is set to true, it is not allowed to define jwt or extAuth on the same path.
rules.extAuths NO Specifies the list of external authorizers. For more information see below and the External Authorizer ADR. NO Specifies the name of the external authorizer.
rules.jwt NO Specifies the Istio JWT access strategy. For more information see JWT Access Strategy and the bellow table.
rules.jwt.authentications YES Specifies the list of authentication objects.
rules.jwt.authentications.issuer YES Identifies the issuer that issued the JWT.
The value must be a URL. Although HTTP is allowed, it is recommended that you use only HTTPS endpoints.
rules.jwt.authentications.jwksUri YES Contains the URL of the provider’s public key set to validate the signature of the JWT.
The value must be a URL. Although HTTP is allowed, it is recommended that you use only HTTPS endpoints.
rules.jwt.authentications.fromHeaders NO Specifies the list of headers from which the JWT token is extracted. YES Specifies the name of the header.
rules.jwt.authentications.fromHeaders.prefix NO Specifies the prefix used before the JWT token. The default is Bearer.
rules.jwt.authentications.fromParams NO Specifies the list of parameters from which the JWT token is extracted.
rules.jwt.authorizations NO Specifies the list of authorization objects.
rules.jwt.authorizations.requiredScopes NO Specifies the list of required scope values for the JWT.
rules.jwt.authorizations.audiences NO Specifies the list of audiences required for the JWT.
rules.timeout NO Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for HTTP requests made to spec.rules.path. Timeout definitions set at this level take precedence over any timeout defined at the spec.timeout level. The maximum timeout is limited to 3900 seconds (65 minutes).


pbochynski commented 3 months ago

Why do external authorizers have authentications and authorizations? Is it just for oauth2_proxy?

strekm commented 3 months ago

@pbochynski it was decided in previous specific to extAuth ADR that within we also allow to restrict access based on JWT (additional AP)

werdes72 commented 3 months ago

Proposal 3

No more accessStrategy field, we can use jwt and extAuths fields instead.

  - path: test
      - name: geoBlocking
        - issuer:
        - audiences: ["app1"]
  - path: test
      - name: oauth2-proxy
      - name: geoBlocking
        - issuer:
        - audiences: ["app1"]
  - path: headers
    noAuth: true
  - path: test
    noAuth: true
  - path: * # Should be warning user that it is not recommended, as it applies to all paths
      - name: geoBlocking
  - path: headers
        - issuer:
        - audiences: ["app1"]
  - path: image
      - name: oauth2-proxy

extAuth + noAuth - cannot be together jwt + noAuth - cannot be together

pbochynski commented 3 months ago

Proposal 3

No more accessStrategy field, we can use jwt and extAuths fields instead.

Now it looks much better! :) Thanks.