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[POC] separate experimental / production functionality #670

Closed strekm closed 5 months ago

strekm commented 5 months ago

Description Scope of this task is to figure out best way to enable users wanting to provide configuration that is not available via Istio CR. This functionality should be separated from managed offering. There should not be possibility to switch between experimental and managed offering during runtime.

Additional configuration is provided via CM that is observed by Istio manager. Strategy of applying should be replace.

Proposed solution should be low maintenance and utilise usage of experimental offering. implementation should be common for both ofeering but functionality should separated by image building.

Open questions:

DoD: - [ ] Provide unit and integration tests.

Attachments part of: #669

triffer commented 5 months ago

I think the cleanest way to do that is by having different implementations for resolving the Istio Operator manifest. We would have different Docker images and using a build tag we can configure what implementation is included.

Implementation consideration:

How to trigger the reconciliation?

We can use a build tag to conditionally add a watch for the config map with the custom configuration. The question is how do we continue from here? We can then have a logic in reconcile to read the Istio CR and reconcile it. I would not do that, since this mixes up a lot of existing code, seems to me like a workaround and is harder to understand.

I'd rather reduce the requeue time of the reconciliation of Istio CR(e.g. to 1 or 2 min) and reconcile the changes in the config map with the next reconciliation. This is easier to implement, and we don't need a separation of the code depending on the build tag.

Simple example implementation

There is a new Interface for the ConfigResolver:

type ConfigResolver interface {
        // Resolves istio operator config as a string.
    Resolve() string, error

Add a new resolver that will have the new functionality and that is used when the build tag allow-custom-istio-operator-config is set.

// +build experimental

package istio

type experimentalConfigResolver struct {

func NewConfigResolver() ConfigResolver {
    return &experimentalConfigResolver{}

func (d *experimentalConfigResolver) Resolve() (string, error) {
    // Resolving from custom istio operator from CM and as a fallback from default manifest and merge with Istio CR ")
    return "istio operator config", nil

Add the default resolver with the existing functionality that is used when the build tag allow-custom-istio-operator-config is not set.

// +build !experimental

package istio

type defaultConfigResolver struct {

func NewConfigResolver() ConfigResolver {
    return &defaultConfigResolver{}

func (d *defaultConfigResolver) Resolve() (string, error) {
    // Resolving from default manifest and merge with Istio CR
    return "istio operator config", nil

type ConfigResolver interface {
    // Resolves istio operator config as a string.
    Resolve() (string, error)

We want to call the ConfigResolver as part of the Istio installation Reconcile and replace the current creation of the Istio operator manifest here. The following implementation would be replace with a call to the resolver that returns the Istio Operator manifest. We can also make the ConfigResolver a field on the Installation struct and initialise it there, it's an implementation detail.

        r := NewConfigResolver()

    istioOperatorManifest, err := r.Resolve();
    if err != nil {
    err = i.IstioClient.Install(istioOperatorManifest)

Considering Open Questions

how avoid custom configuration rollback during Istio reconciliation

The resolving will be part of the normal reconciliation, just by replacing the retrieval of the Istio Operator config. Therefore should be no issue with rollbacks, since the config from the config map would be used as long as it exists.

image build separation (different controller?)

The separation is handled by the different implementations of the interface and build tags.

validation of custom configuration

We should not do any additional validation, but rely on the validation done by Istio installation.

Ressetkk commented 5 months ago

So we came up with a POC results. With some help from @triffer I've come up with a working solution that is separated with build tags, as was proposed. The implementation is generally based on proposal above.

When manager is built with -tags=experimental the experimental implementation of a resolver is used:

To build manager with experimental feature enabled, use command:

go build -a -tags=experimental -o manager-experimental main.go

To run the manager:

I already see some drawbacks of this Impl:

I personally don't like the idea. It seems to be too hacky. This feature should be part of IstioCR and contain a nice and convenient interface for the customer to enable/disable some alpha functions for a price of no SLA. This way we still have control over istio operator CR, and have control over which alpha features are enabled.


Q: If the templating is dropped, how will the image version be handled?


triffer commented 5 months ago

There is also an open question regarding the Istio proxy sidecar restart behaviour. Since we allow to configure the whole Istio operator, we also allow to use different proxy sidecar images. In this case, we need to think about how the proxy sidecar restart will behave. One solution could be to dynamically create a restart predicate for this image and version and use it in the proxy sidecar restart.

Ressetkk commented 5 months ago

After the meeting we came to some conclusions:

Things to consider: