kyoheiu / felix

tui file manager with vim-like key mapping
MIT License
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detach opened program from felix #150

Closed riotearring closed 1 year ago

riotearring commented 1 year ago

Hello, I thanks a lot for this really geat utility. I've been using it a lot recently and the one disadventage that I find to it is the fact that the opened process depends on felix staying opened i.e. : If I open some .pdf file with libreoffice or zathura using felix and then close felix, libreoffice is terminated as well. This whether Enter or :o has been used to open the file. I believe felix would be even more useful if either :

I might have missed something in the config file and if so sorry for the annoyance, otherwise I am happy to help with some testing but my coding skills are non existent.

Thanks again for your time !

kyoheiu commented 1 year ago

Hm, weird. In my environment, by setting [exec] in config.yaml like following...


and by pressing o on the item you'd like to open by that command, the new window appears and even if felix/terminal is closed, that window remains open.

Could you tell me your environment and the version of felix (which you can check by fx --version)? Mine is below:

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.0.9-arch1-1
WM: i3
Terminal: alacritty
felix v2.1.0: Up to date.
riotearring commented 1 year ago

Hello, so here is my system and it appears that both are very similar, only signicative difference probably beaing wayland vs X11

OS: Void Linux x86_64 Kernel: 6.0.9_1 WM: sway Terminal: alacritty

felix v2.1.0: Up to date.

So i I tried opening zathura and then closing felix on i3 WM, and issus is the same. So issue probably comes from config, here is the relevant part of mine

`` default: nvim

exec: feh: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif", "svg"] zathura: ["pdf"] libreoffice: ["ods", "odt", "odp", "odg", "xlsx", "docx", "dotx", "pptx"] ``

so tried removing this part and only using

`` exec: zathura: [pdf]

And the issue remaines No idea of what to do next for now

kyoheiu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the detail! The spawned process may wok differently in Wayland. I will look into it.

kyoheiu commented 1 year ago

I don't have Wayland environment, but PR #152 may fix this issue. Could you test it?

git clone
cd felix
git checkout feature-nix-fork
cargo run 

Or if you have gh, gh pr checkout 152 just works.

riotearring commented 1 year ago

Just got to testing it, Using this method : git clone cd felix git checkout feature-nix-fork cargo run

it works perfectly using system described above, thanks a lot !

kyoheiu commented 1 year ago

merged to develop #152 Will be released after debugging.