kysely-org / kysely

A type-safe typescript SQL query builder
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Question on postgresql query-level variables #923

Closed josh-i386g closed 3 months ago

josh-i386g commented 3 months ago

Hi all, first of all thank you for this library, really useful as hell.

This question is on kysely + postgresql, could it be possible to do something like this?

-- Set a local value for a configuration parameter
SET LOCAL my_parameter = 'new_value';

-- Execute some queries with the modified parameter value
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE some_column = 'some_value';

-- Reset the parameter back to its default or global value
RESET my_parameter;

the use case is we're trying to use row-level security, but postgres must be made aware of the end-user's id which is used on the rls policies.

in postgrest and supabase the equivalent of this is auth.uid() which is used in row-level security policies, but the drawback of that is the entire postgrest stuff being added to the tech stack.

also, it looks like set local x = y; syntax for query-level temporary variables are only supported in postgresql; kinda unsure if it's doable in mysql & sqlite (also unsure about their rls, im mostly a postgres guy and noob in mysql and sqlite). but i think it all comes down to the capability to add statements before and after the query statement.

thank you thank you.

koskimas commented 3 months ago

I don't think you can do that in postgres. There are no variables in postgres outside functions AFAIK. That might work in some client like psql, but that's a client feature, not postgres.

Or are you abusing postgres config variables here? Anyway, that definitely shouldn't be added as a feature to kysely.

koskimas commented 3 months ago

Ok so you did mean config parameters. You need to use raw SQL for this. Since local parameters only live until the end of the transaction, you need to use those inside a transcation:

db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => {
  await sql`SET LOCAL foo = ${value}`.execute(trx)
  // Rest of the transaction here