kytos-ng / kytos

Kytos SDN Platform. Kytos is designed to be easy to install, use, develop and share Network Apps (NApps).
MIT License
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[2022.3.2] release: fix/backported typing ext freeze for 2022.3.2 #394

Closed viniarck closed 1 year ago

viniarck commented 1 year ago

Closes #393

This was backported from


See updated changelog file

Local Tests

I made sure to run of_core and topology at least with a minimal topology installing them all from scratch, it installed as expected without any conflict:

❯ pip freeze | grep typing
❯ kytos napps list
WARNING kytos (2022.3.2) and kytos utils (2022.3.1) versions are not equal.

Status |         NApp ID         |                                 Description                                 
 [ie]  | kytos/of_core:2022.3.1  | OpenFlow Core of Kytos Controller, responsible for main OpenFlow operations.
 [ie]  | kytos/topology:2022.3.2 | Manage the network topology.                                                

Status: (i)nstalled, (e)nabled
 * Debug mode: off
2023-06-19 18:03:45,746 - WARNING [werkzeug] (ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0)  * Running on all addresses.
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.

     _   __      _
    | | / /     | |
    | |/ / _   _| |_ ___  ___          _ __   __ _
    |    \| | | | __/ _ \/ __| ______ | '_ \ / _` |
    | |\  \ |_| | || (_) \__ \|______|| | | | (_| |
    \_| \_/\__, |\__\___/|___/        |_| |_|\__, |
            __/ |                             __/ |
           |___/                             |___/

    Welcome to Kytos SDN Platform!

    Kytos website.:
    OF Address....: tcp://
    WEB UI........:
    Kytos Version.: 2022.3.2

kytos $> 2023-06-19 18:03:46,030 - INFO [kytos.core.atcp_server] (MainThread) New connection from                                                                        
2023-06-19 18:03:46,030 - INFO [kytos.core.atcp_server] (MainThread) New connection from
2023-06-19 18:03:46,030 - INFO [kytos.core.atcp_server] (MainThread) New connection from
2023-06-19 18:03:46,548 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (thread_pool_sb_0) Connection ('', 38146), Switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01: OPENFLOW HANDSHAKE COMPLETE
2023-06-19 18:03:46,569 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (thread_pool_sb_2) Connection ('', 38160), Switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03: OPENFLOW HANDSHAKE COMPLETE
2023-06-19 18:03:46,574 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (thread_pool_sb_1) Connection ('', 38168), Switch 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02: OPENFLOW HANDSHAKE COMPLETE
kytos $>                                                                                                                                                                                 

kytos $> 2023-06-19 18:04:14,480 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:4 state 0                                         
2023-06-19 18:04:14,481 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:4 state OFPPS_LINK_DOWN
2023-06-19 18:04:14,482 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:3 state 0
2023-06-19 18:04:14,482 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:3 state OFPPS_LINK_DOWN
2023-06-19 18:04:15,891 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:4 state OFPPS_LIVE
2023-06-19 18:04:15,892 - INFO [kytos.napps.kytos/of_core] (MainThread) PortStatus modified interface 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:3 state OFPPS_LIVE

End-to-End Tests

Not needed since it's just a dependency conflict resolution being backported

Extra notes

FYI, @italovalcy you'll need this 2022.3.2 to successfully build/run the docker-image without issues, to also deploy with topology 2022.3.2