kytos-ng / telemetry_int

Kytos Telemetry Napp
MIT License
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chore: increase overall unit test cov to 90% + #77

Closed viniarck closed 3 months ago

viniarck commented 5 months ago

Currently the overall unit test is at 85%, there are some modules below that could be better covered, the most critical paths have got covered, but it'd be great to also improve this part in a next opportunity:

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.18-final-0 -----------
Name                                        Stmts   Miss  Cover
---------------------------------------------------------------                                     0      0   100%                                  31      6    81%                            76     25    67%                                       209     95    55%
managers/                            0      0   100%
managers/                      128      3    98%
managers/                               254     80    69%                                  24      3    88%                                    12      0   100%
tests/                              18      0   100%
tests/unit/      60      0   100%
tests/unit/     105      0   100%
tests/unit/                219      0   100%
tests/unit/            53      0   100%
tests/unit/                       154      0   100%
tests/unit/                       45      0   100%                                       62      9    85%
TOTAL                                        1450    221    85%

============================================================================ 47 passed, 36 warnings in 1.47s =============================================================================