kyverno / chainsaw

Declarative K8s e2e testing
Apache License 2.0
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[Feature] Create ephemeral namespace in all registered clusters #1535

Open mikebryant opened 3 weeks ago

mikebryant commented 3 weeks ago

Problem Statement

We have a multi-cloud multi-cluster environment. We want to do a multi-cloud istio test

Current approach is something like: chainsaw test --cluster aws=${HOME}/.kube/boxed-config.yaml:sbx-aws --cluster gcp=${HOME}/.kube/boxed-config.yaml:sbx-gcp --selector chainsaw

Our test looks like this:

kind: Test
  name: istio-multi-cloud-communication
  labels: enabled
  cluster: aws
  - try:
    - apply:
        cluster: aws
        file: create-deployments-client.yaml
    - apply:
        cluster: gcp
        file: create-deployments-server.yaml

But we get the following:

Running tests...
=== RUN   chainsaw
=== PAUSE chainsaw
=== CONT  chainsaw
=== RUN   chainsaw/istio-multi-cloud-communication
=== PAUSE chainsaw/istio-multi-cloud-communication
=== CONT  chainsaw/istio-multi-cloud-communication
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | @setup   | CREATE    | OK    | v1/Namespace @ chainsaw-positive-moray
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | TRY       | RUN   |
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | APPLY     | RUN   | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-positive-moray/sleep
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | CREATE    | OK    | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-positive-moray/sleep
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | APPLY     | DONE  | apps/v1/Deployment @ chainsaw-positive-moray/sleep
    | 12:43:31 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | APPLY     | RUN   | v1/Service @ chainsaw-positive-moray/helloworld
    | 12:43:32 | istio-multi-cloud-communication | step-1   | CREATE    | ERROR | v1/Service @ chainsaw-positive-moray/helloworld
        === ERROR
        namespaces "chainsaw-positive-moray" not found

It's creating the ephemeral Namespace only on one cluster, not both

Solution Description

For the ephemeral Namespace to be created on all clusters


No response

Additional Context

No response

Slack discussion

No response


mikebryant commented 3 weeks ago

I've worked around this for the moment with the following:

  cluster: aws
  - try:
    - script:
        cluster: aws
        - name: NAMESPACE
          value: ($namespace)
        content: |
          set -e
          kubectl get namespace ${NAMESPACE} -o json | jq 'del(.metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.uid, .metadata.annotations, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.managedFields, .status, .spec.finalizers)' > ./tmp-namespace.json
    - script:
        cluster: aws
        content: |
          set -e
          rm ./tmp-namespace.json
  - try:
    - apply:
        cluster: gcp
        file: ./tmp-namespace.json
eddycharly commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks @mikebryant ! I'm busy with v1alpha2 test schema right now but i can prepare the ground for this.

I feel like users will want this while others won't, this makes sense to make it configurable.