kyzhouhzau / BERT-NER

Use Google's BERT for named entity recognition (CoNLL-2003 as the dataset).
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Reproduce CoNLL score #85

Open ghaddarAbs opened 4 years ago

ghaddarAbs commented 4 years ago

In order to reproduce the conll score reported in BERT paper (92.4 bert-base and 92.8 bert-large) one trick is to apply a truecaser on article titles (all upper case sentences) as preprocessing step for conll train/dev/test. This can be simply done with the following method.

#pip install truecase
import truecase
import re

# original tokens
#['FULL', 'FEES', '1.875', 'REOFFER', '99.32', 'SPREAD', '+20', 'BP']

def truecase_sentence(tokens):
   word_lst = [(w, idx) for idx, w in enumerate(tokens) if all(c.isalpha() for c in w)]
   lst = [w for w, _ in word_lst if re.match(r'\b[A-Z\.\-]+\b', w)]

   if len(lst) and len(lst) == len(word_lst):
       parts = truecase.get_true_case(' '.join(lst)).split()

       # the trucaser have its own tokenization ...
       # skip if the number of word dosen't match
       if len(parts) != len(word_lst): return tokens

       for (w, idx), nw in zip(word_lst, parts):
           tokens[idx] = nw

# truecased tokens
#['Full', 'fees', '1.875', 'Reoffer', '99.32', 'spread', '+20', 'BP']

Also, i found useful to use : very small learning rate (5e-6) \ large batch size (128) \ high epoch num (>40).

With these configurations and preprocessing, I was able to reach 92.8 with bert-large.