kzampog / cilantro

A lean C++ library for working with point cloud data
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3D Convex Hull with Coplanar Points #20

Closed ShihaoWang closed 5 years ago

ShihaoWang commented 5 years ago


I find one problem when calling ConvexHull3fto compute the 3D convex hull given 3D data points in which some of them may be on the same plane. Instead of generating a convex hull with a unified plane in which all coplanar points are on it, this function generates several duplicative subplanes of this coplanar plane. Is there a function or module that I can use to enable this plane merge?

ShihaoWang commented 5 years ago

Never mind, I guess that I have already figured it out with the modification of the input options to the ConvexHull3f constructor. If I set the simplicial_facets to be false and the merge_tol to be a reasonable tolerance, the coplanar issue is addressed effectively.

kzampog commented 5 years ago

That sounds right!

If all your points are known to lie on a plane, you could consider having a look at FlatConvexHull3, which computes the 2D convex hull of a PCA projection.

ShihaoWang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Can I ask one more question? The mentioned approach can compute the convex hull for 3D data points with coplanar points inside. However, when I want to show the visualization of this convex hull, a memory leakage or double delete error is triggered.

*** Error in `/home/shihao/Desktop/Humanoid-and-RMP/build/MyApp': invalid fastbin entry (free): 0x00000000030e75a0 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

After the debug, I find that the code that causes this error is actually viz.spin . Is there sth I can do to solve this problem?

My whole code is

void ConvxHullGeneration(const std::vector<Vector3>& _SPVertices)
  // This function is used to generate the convex hull given the vertices
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> Vertices;
  for (int i = 0; i < _SPVertices.size(); i++)
  Vertices.emplace_back(0, 0, 1);

  cilantro::PointCloud3f cloud(Vertices);
  cilantro::ConvexHull3f ch(cloud.points, true, false, eps_dist);
  cilantro::PointCloud3f hull_cloud(cloud, ch.getVertexPointIndices());

  cilantro::VectorSet3f vertex_colors(3, ch.getVertices().cols());
  std::vector<float> vertex_values(ch.getVertices().cols());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ch.getVertices().cols(); i++) {
      if (i%3 == 0) vertex_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(1,0,0);
      if (i%3 == 1) vertex_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(0,1,0);
      if (i%3 == 2) vertex_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(0,0,1);
      vertex_values[i] = ch.getVertices().col(i).norm();

  cilantro::VectorSet3f face_colors(3, ch.getFacetVertexIndices().size());
  std::vector<float> face_values(ch.getFacetVertexIndices().size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ch.getFacetVertexIndices().size(); i++) {
      if (i%3 == 0) face_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(1,0,0);
      if (i%3 == 1) face_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(0,1,0);
      if (i%3 == 2) face_colors.col(i) = Eigen::Vector3f(0,0,1);
      face_values[i] = (ch.getVertices().col(ch.getFacetVertexIndices()[i][0]) +
                   ch.getVertices().col(ch.getFacetVertexIndices()[i][1]) +

  cilantro::Visualizer viz("3D convex hull", "disp");
  viz.addObject<cilantro::PointCloudRenderable>("cloud", cloud, cilantro::RenderingProperties().setOpacity(1.0));
  viz.addObject<cilantro::TriangleMeshRenderable>("mesh", ch.getVertices(), ch.getFacetVertexIndices())

  cilantro::RenderingProperties rp = viz.getRenderingProperties("mesh");
  viz.setRenderingProperties("mesh", rp);

kzampog commented 5 years ago

I think this is due to a Visualizer limitation. At the moment, it can only render triangle meshes.

The code above sets the simplicial_facets parameter to false, so computed faces are not guaranteed to be triangles.

Would simplicial_facets = true with a reasonable merge_tol produce a reasonable (and visualizable) result?

ShihaoWang commented 5 years ago

Yeah, this will yield a correct visualization but facet with more than 3 vertices are not merged. I think that my solution is that if I want to have a visualization result, I can set the simplicial_facets to true and if I just want to have facets without duplicative sub-facets, I can set the simplicial_facets to false.

kzampog commented 5 years ago

Sounds good! I should then just add some polygon mesh rendering capabilities at some point :)