kzaret / RQ2_Dendro_v2_PIUVestab

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Welcome to GitHub! #1

Closed ebuhle closed 3 years ago

ebuhle commented 3 years ago

Hey @kzaret, welcome to the brave new world.

Issues are a good venue to discuss bugs, desired features, etc. (i.e., traditional "issues" in a software development project) as well as more general questions and ideas related to data, modeling strategy, model results, etc. (i.e., topics in a data analysis project that might otherwise populate numerous email chains that you would have to keep track of). It's easy to share code chunks

# some R code
x <- rep(0,10)

or reference lines of code (or data) in an existing file in the repo (note the SHA indicating a particular commit)

or embed image files in the repo (super useful when discussing results).

To make this post true to its "good first issue" label, I'll suggest that you might like to edit the README with a little blurb about your project and how cool it is. This is optional, and can be as minimal or fancy as you desire, but many people use it as a sort of landing page (especially useful with packages, but applies to data analysis projects too) that might include links to publications, for example.

Also, a question: did you actually create an RStudio project synced to this repo? Because there wasn't an .Rproj file in there until I committed mine. Just making sure we're on the same (remote) page. I can say more if you're not sure WTF I'm talking about.

Lastly for now, this is your regular reminder -- which will soon be coming from deep inside your brainstem -- that the very first thing one does after launching an RStudio project under version control, always always always, is to go to the Git pane and click "Pull". Regularly committing and pushing are of course good habits as well, but pulling from the remote before you start editing files that potentially may have changed since you last checked in will save you a great deal of unpleasantness sooner or later. (Ask me how I know.)