kzemek / etls

An alternative NIF-based implementation of Erlang ssl module.
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Question about building etls on Travis CI, when used in Elixir projects #12

Closed florinpatrascu closed 7 years ago

florinpatrascu commented 7 years ago

Hi there - thank you for your work on ETLS. Can you please provide some hints about building etls in a Travis CI test environment? I just integrated ETLS in my project Bolt.Sips but am unable to pass a travis build due to missing dependencies doing lets build. I even tried using a variant of your travis.yml config file, with no success. Anybody having the same issue, and have a recipe to share? Many thanks, and Happy Holidays!

kzemek commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, Travis is a little finicky about up-to-date build requirements. The problem you had in this build can be solved by adding global envs CXX=g++-6 and CC=gcc-6.

You can remove the test matrix; Travis cannot parse it probably because it doesn't understand otp_release: x in conjunction with language: elixir. Some of the APT packages are also unneeded when using etls as dependency.

Here's a trimmed down config diff (against 0b34fee) that I confirmed works with your repo. :)

florinpatrascu commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much indeed. Now I understand better all this build process, and I can use Travis again in my project. Thanks so much, for your help, highly appreciated!