kzima / vuestrap-base-components

Web components that extend Bootstrap 4 -
MIT License
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Navbar links bit confusing #24

Open tvld opened 8 years ago

tvld commented 8 years ago

As per the closed issue #19,

 <vs-navbar fixed="top" type="dark" variant="primary" full>
     <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">&nbsp;</a>
     <vs-nav type="navbar" :vertical="false" class="pull-sm-right">
       <vs-nav-item link="#" active>Active</vs-nav-item>
         <vs-nav-item link="">Link</vs-nav-item>
         <vs-nav-item link="">Another Link</vs-nav-item>
         <vs-nav-item link="href=''" >Strange</vs-nav-item>

Although the click works with the second link, the hover shows all "#"

tvld commented 8 years ago

Except for the undesired hover "tooltip", this works ok:


  <div class="navbar-wrapper">
   <vs-navbar fixed="top" type="dark" variant="primary" full>
     <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">&nbsp;</a>
     <vs-nav type="navbar" :vertical="false" class="pull-sm-right">
       <vs-nav-item v-for="navitem in navitems" :link="navitem.url">
         {{ navitem.label }}



  import vuestrapBase from 'vuestrap-base-components'

  export default {
    components: {
      'vs-navbar': vuestrapBase.navbar,
      'vs-nav': vuestrapBase.nav,
      'vs-nav-item': vuestrapBase.navItem
    data () {
      return {
        navitems: [
          { label: 'Home', url: '' },
          { label: 'About us', url: '' }