kzima / vuestrap

Vuestrap Javascript wrapper for Bootstrap 4 components.
MIT License
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Fix styles import #3

Closed fdionisi closed 8 years ago

kzima commented 8 years ago

those dependencies are handled on js level:

fdionisi commented 8 years ago

The problem is when you try to build vuestrap-base-components. It give this error:

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/autoprefixer-loader!./~/sass-loader!./~/vuestrap-theme-loader!./~/vuestrap/bootstrap/_button-group.scss
Module build failed:

      ".btn-group-sm > .btn" failed to @extend ".btn-sm".
The selector ".btn-sm" was not found.
Use "@extend .btn-sm !optional" if the extend should be able to fail.
      in ~/vuestrap-base-components/node_modules/vuestrap/bootstrap/_button-group.scss (line 99, column 24)
 @ ./~/vuestrap/bootstrap/_button-group.scss 4:14-180

ERROR in ./~/css-loader!./~/autoprefixer-loader!./~/sass-loader!./~/vuestrap-theme-loader!./~/vuestrap/bootstrap/_carousel.scss
Module build failed:
      ".carousel-inner > .carousel-item > img" failed to @extend ".img-fluid".
The selector ".img-fluid" was not found.
Use "@extend .img-fluid !optional" if the extend should be able to fail.
      in ~/vuestrap-base-components/node_modules/vuestrap/bootstrap/_carousel.scss (line 21, column 7)
 @ ./~/vuestrap/bootstrap/_carousel.scss 4:14-176

Including those scss I added is doing it work properly.

What about including it through scss instead of javascript?

fdionisi commented 8 years ago

Hey man, I am not able to compile further change on vuestrap-base-components because of there is a style issue here.

kzima commented 8 years ago

What command do you use to build vuestrap-base-components and what is your webpack config file?

fdionisi commented 8 years ago

I'm using exactly the same build utils and configs that I found in vuestrap-base-components. No changes from that point of view.

If can be helpful, my env is node 5.11.0 and npm 3.8.6

kzima commented 8 years ago

what command do u run?

fdionisi commented 8 years ago

Sorry misread the question. I tried both npm run build and npm run dist, but both are giving me the same problem

kzima commented 8 years ago

ok, I was able to reproduce this on clean cloned version. It must be my sass caching as it worked on my local machine no problems. I will merge your PR now. Thanks :)