kzk / webhdfs

Ruby client for Hadoop WebHDFS
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Glob support? #5

Open minaguib opened 10 years ago

minaguib commented 10 years ago


Currently issuing something like client.get("/foo/*/bar") always results in {"RemoteException":{"exception":"FileNotFoundException"...}}

Compared to the CLI "hdfs dfs -ls '/foo/*/bar'" which lists the matches as expected.

Do you know whether the webhdfs API has any support for globbing or it's done purely client-side ? If so, any chance it could be added to ruby-webhdfs ?

tagomoris commented 10 years ago

As far as I know, file globs are not supported on webhdfs APIs.And client side globing needs high runtime cost and latency.

From the same viewpoint of hdfs dfs commands, we may be able to support globs on WebHDFS::FileUtils methods.(Patches welcome!)