kzykhys / Ciconia

A New Markdown parser for PHP5.4
MIT License
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Question about weird error #29

Closed joelcuevas closed 10 years ago

joelcuevas commented 10 years ago

@kzykhys, this is more a question than a bug.

I have a kinda large table in GFM with code tags inside its cells that breaks my local Apache Server when I parse it.

This doesn't happens in "Try Ciconia" nor my prod server, but I've already reproduced it in 3 completely different dev machines with the same results.

Do you have any idea about what could it be?

This is the Markdown:


Atributo       | Tipo      | Notas
--             | --        | --
id             | Integer   | |
code           | String    | |
subcode        | String    | |
description    | String    | |
status         | Integer   | Uno de: `0` (pendiente), `1` (disponible), `2` (terminada), `3` (cancelada), `4` (vencida).
type           | Integer   | Uno de: `0` (normal), `1` (encuesta), `2` (supervisión).
priority       | Integer   | Del 1 al 5, siendo 5 la prioridad más alta.
street         | String    | |
district       | String    | |
zipcode        | String    | |
city           | String    | |
state          | String    | |
country        | String    | |
address        | String    | Dirección estilizada para mostrar.
latitude       | Decimal   | |
longitude      | Decimal   | |
form_id        | Integer   | |
group_id       | Integer   | |
created_at     | Timestamp | |
updated_at     | Timestamp | |
available_at   | Timestamp | |
expires_at     | Timestamp | |
started_at     | Timestamp | |
finished_at    | Timestamp | |
received_at    | Timestamp | |
location_id    | Integer   | |
distance       | Integer   | Distancia en metros a la que se realizó la visita.
timespan       | Integer   | Duración en minutos de la visita.
alarms         | Integer   | |
supervising_id | Integer   | El id de la visita que se está supervisando.
supervision    | Integer   | Uno de: `null` (sin supervisar), `0` (en supervisión), `1` (aceptada), `2` (corregida), `3` (rechazada).
version        | Integer   | |

It just "break" the server and the Apache logs says this:

[mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 5668:tid 468] AH00428: Parent: child process exited with status 3221225725 -- Restarting.

I'm pretty sure that the Markdown is fine.

BTW, you can try any of this and suddenly the parser will work again:

I've tried to find the last piece of code in Ciconia that's beign executed, but honestly I was unable to track it.

Any hints?

kzykhys commented 10 years ago

@joelcuevas I couldn't reproduce this error. And I think that markdown is fine too. Windows?

This one?

joelcuevas commented 10 years ago

Well, my friend... it seems somebody didn't do a properly search me, cough cough. :P

As stated in your link, increasing the ThreadStackSize to 8MB in Apache (yes, Windows) did the work. Thanks a lot!