I want to disable the sorting on the table but didn't find a proper solution. I tried to disable sorting by columns with DTColumnDefBuilder but that is verbose, and the first column is sorted anyway. How do I remove sorting at all and display the data as it is being sent from the server?
Expected behavior
The sorting is not enabled on the table (by default it is sorted by the 1st column, even if all the columns are not sortable).
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
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Current behavior
I want to disable the sorting on the table but didn't find a proper solution. I tried to disable sorting by columns with DTColumnDefBuilder but that is verbose, and the first column is sorted anyway. How do I remove sorting at all and display the data as it is being sent from the server?
Expected behavior
The sorting is not enabled on the table (by default it is sorted by the 1st column, even if all the columns are not sortable).
Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
vm.tblOpt = DTOptionsBuilder .newOptions() .withOption("scrollX", true) .withOption("scrollY", true) .withLanguageSource(lang_url);
const columnsCount = vm.tableData.xAxis.data.length + 1; vm.dtColumnDefs = [ ...Array.from(Array(columnsCount)).map((item, idx) => DTColumnDefBuilder.newColumnDef(idx).notSortable()) ];