l-lin / angular-datatables

DataTables with Angular
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angular-datatables using non-public API causing ng add bug #1743

Closed bluebaroncanada closed 7 months ago

bluebaroncanada commented 1 year ago

:beetle: bug report

$ ng add angular-datatables Node.js version v19.7.0 detected. Odd numbered Node.js versions will not enter LTS status and should not be used for production. For more information, please see https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/. ℹ Using package manager: npm ✔ Found compatible package version: angular-datatables@15.0.1. ✔ Package information loaded.

The package angular-datatables@15.0.1 will be installed and executed. Would you like to proceed? Yes ✔ Packages successfully installed. Cannot find module 'C:\xxx\node_modules\@schematics\angular\utility\test\index.js'

I initially submitted this bug to Angular and they said that you are using non-public API that no longer exists.


:8ball: Expected behavior

I really don't know what's supposed to happen. I guess it modifies source files but it can't because that API is not available?

:camera: Screenshots

:globe_with_meridians: Your Environment

Angular CLI: 16.1.1 Node: 19.7.0 (Unsupported) Package Manager: npm 9.5.0 OS: win32 x64

Angular: 16.1.2 ... animations, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms ... localize, platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic ... platform-server, router

Package Version

@angular-devkit/architect 0.1601.1 @angular-devkit/build-angular 16.1.1 @angular-devkit/core 16.1.1 @angular-devkit/schematics 16.1.1 @angular/cli 16.1.1 @schematics/angular 16.1.1 rxjs 7.8.1 typescript 4.9.5

I'm also getting a similar but not identical error from @schematics when installing ngx-bootstrap. Apparently there has been changes to the file structure.

shanmukhateja commented 10 months ago

Hi, please install v16.0.0 of angular-datatables

You are currently using v15.x of this library with v16.x of Angular core.