l00ma / OctoPrint-roomTemp

Octopi : Displays room temperature in navbar
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9 stars 15 forks source link

Room Temp not working #8

Open eddieosi opened 6 years ago

eddieosi commented 6 years ago

OctoPrint Version 1.3.4

Here are some errors from the dev console:

Could not bind view model RoomTempViewModel to target #navbar_plugin_roomtemp : Error: Unable to process binding "foreach: function (){return roomTempModel.tools }" Message: Unable to process binding "template: function (){return { name:'roomtemp-template'} }" Message: Cannot find template with ID roomtemp-template

Did not bind view model RoomTempViewModel to target #settings_plugin_roomtemp since it does not exist

Error calling onStartupComplete on view model TemperatureViewModel : Error: You cannot apply bindings multiple times to the same element.

BillyBlaze commented 6 years ago

Seems like @l00ma forgot to add a template, it is missing something like this.

@l00ma, do you have any indent to fix this?