l10nelw / winger

Window Manager: A Firefox web extension for switching windows, moving tabs between windows, and more
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Named windows: Is it possible to hide current tab name in Window Menu? #17

Closed jclark-dot-org closed 1 year ago

jclark-dot-org commented 1 year ago

I name all my windows. I tend to have many windows, as I keep one per client. I find it very handy to jump to the right window via the Window menu in the FF toolbar. Currently, I see each window listed as <WindowName> - <TabName>, like:

ExampleCo - Inbox (196) - jason@example.co - ExampleCo Mail Dev Documentation - Apex Developer Gude | Salesforce Developers Personal - New Issue - l10nelw/winger ClientCo - Login etc...

When I'm using the Window Menu, I don't care what tab a window is on; I just need to scan a list of client names (and a few special cases, like Dev Docs and Personal). In other words, I'd like to see only the Window Name that I assigned, but NOT the current tab name. Is there any way to change this behavior in the Window Menu?

l10nelw commented 1 year ago

It's not possible to modify an entire window title; only the title preface, and I suppose indirectly via modifying the active tab title, which is probably not a good idea and might require an extra permission as well.

Would it help if Winger lets you display the window name in a different format that you define? For example [windowName] tabName, windowName ≫ tabName, and so on.

What helps with scanning the Window Menu for me personally, is I add a shared prefix to the names of related windows, so in your case I would use Client: for your client windows, and/or I would prefix a symbol or emoji to the names of the few special case windows. The Window Menu appears to sort windows alphabetically which is perfect for these prefixes; the client windows group together, meanwhile the symbol/emoji-marked windows are typically listed first (and also easy to spot).

I hardly ever use the Window Menu to be honest, I jump between windows by typing a few letters in the popup panel omnibox (F1, a few letters, Enter). But I'm all ears.

jclark-dot-org commented 1 year ago

@l10nelw Thanks for the feedback. I agree there's no need to modify the active tab title, I was hoping it could just be suppressed.

I'm trying to switch from Chrome, where I used a (much more basic) plugin to rename windows, and I'm used to the Window menu (was the only option), but you make a great point about F1 and the Winger omnibox. I'm more of a keyboard guy than a mouse guy andway, so I'll see if I can start training myself to use that. Even using the mouse to select from the F1 popup means that I see only window titles without tabs, so it's still a win. I just need to retrain muscle memory.

I'll close this since the original request isn't technically possible, and since I think using F1 is better than reformatting the window menu. One thing that would be nice (but that I can totally live without) would be fuzzy search when typing window names. So if I have tabs "Client" and "Client Dev", I could type cld to match "Client Dev".

l10nelw commented 1 year ago

Glad to help!

Fuzzy search has been in my wishlist, so I'll take your vote for it.