l1346792580123 / diff

code for Multiview Textured Mesh Recovery by Differentiable Rendering
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How to generate texture mesh #1

Closed zhixiongzuo closed 2 years ago

zhixiongzuo commented 2 years ago

After optiming, there is a tex.pt, how to convert it to textured mesh ?

l1346792580123 commented 2 years ago

Please follow this instruction https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1265761945 to generate texture mesh. First you need to use blender to unwarp the mesh, then you can use meshlab to put the vertex colors on a texture.

LHXhh commented 5 months ago

作者您好,感谢您精彩的工作,我按照 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1265761945,得到的color图是全灰的。 77_uv_color 我想用openmvs和diff得到的texture mesh进行纹理质量评价,但现在只得到diff的OBJ,还缺少对应的纹理图,我该怎么做呢,真诚地希望能够得到您的帮助!