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No XP drop for Construction skill #72

Closed draghar closed 1 year ago

draghar commented 1 year ago

I am getting exp drops for other things, just not construction. I've restarted runelite with cleared cache and nothing changed. I could revert setting, but don't really want to set it back up at the moment and I don't feel it'd help, I DO get the default exp drops for construction with the plugin disabled.

A solution would be welcome, but this is mostly to report the issue.

This is the only error thing from the logs that looks relevant to this plugin.

2023-07-01 19:04:25 MDT [Client] WARN n.runelite.client.eventbus.EventBus - Uncaught exception in event subscriber java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 22 out of bounds for length 22 at com.xpdrops.CustomizableXpDropsPlugin.onStatChanged(CustomizableXpDropsPlugin.java:396) at net.runelite.client.eventbus.EventBus$Subscriber.invoke(EventBus.java:70) at net.runelite.client.eventbus.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:223) at net.runelite.client.callback.Hooks.post(Hooks.java:191) at client.uk(client.java:10155) at client.jy(client.java:56981) at client.hi(client.java:3109) at client.bz(client.java:1139) at ba.bo(ba.java:382) at ba.run(ba.java:361) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

magic exp drop no constr exp xp addons xp settings

McFrosty420 commented 1 year ago

I am also having this problem.

l2- commented 1 year ago

Fixed when https://github.com/runelite/plugin-hub/pull/4573 is merged