l3nz / cli-matic

Compact, hands-free [sub]command line parsing library for Clojure.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Positional arguments USAGE help is not formatted correctly #90

Closed lread closed 4 years ago

lread commented 4 years ago

version 0.3.11

platform java 8 on macOS

problem positional argument usage help is not formatted correctly

repro If I taketoycalc.clj and modify it to toycalc-positional.clj:

#_This runs clj so we use the deps.edn but specify which module
#_we want to run.
exec clj -J-Xms256m -J-Xmx256m -J-client  -J-Dclojure.spec.skip-macros=true -i "$0" -m toycalc "$@"

(ns toycalc
  (:require [cli-matic.core :refer [run-cmd]]))

;; To run this, try from the project root:
;; clj -i examples/toycalc.clj -m toycalc add -a 1 -b 80

(defn add_numbers
  "Sums A and B together, and prints it in base `base`"
  [{:keys [a1 a2 base]}]
   (Integer/toString (+ a1 a2) base)))

(defn subtract_numbers
  "Subtracts B from A, and prints it in base `base` "
  [{:keys [pa pb base]}]
   (Integer/toString (- pa pb) base)))

  {:app         {:command     "toycalc"
                 :description "A command-line toy calculator"
                 :version     "0.0.1"}
   :global-opts [{:option  "base"
                  :as      "The number base for output"
                  :type    :int
                  :default 10}]
   :commands    [{:command     "add" :short "a"
                  :description ["Adds two numbers together"
                                "Looks great, doesn't it?"]
                  :opts        [{:option "a1" :short 0 :env "AA" :as "First addendum" :type :int :default 0}
                                {:option "a2" :short 1 :as "Second addendum" :type :int :default 0}]
                  :runs        add_numbers}
                 {:command     "sub"  :short "s"
                  :description "Subtracts parameter B from A"
                  :opts        [{:option "pa" :short 0 :as "Parameter A" :type :int :default 0}
                                {:option "pb" :short 1 :as "Parameter B" :type :int :default 0}]
                  :runs        subtract_numbers}]})

(defn -main
  "This is our entry point.
  Just pass parameters and configuration.
  Commands (functions) will be invoked as appropriate."
  [& args]
  (run-cmd args CONFIGURATION))

And run ./toycalc-positional.clj add --help

expected behavior USAGE should read:

 toycalc [add|a] [command options] a1 a2

actual behavior USAGE reads:

 toycalc [add|a] [command options] a1a2 ...

proposal The positional parameters need a space between them and don't need the trailing ...

action I will follow up with a PR.