l3p-cv / lost

Label Objects and Save Time (LOST) - Design your own smart Image Annotation process in a web-based environment.
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Brush annotation tool #9

Open Aequalitas opened 5 years ago

Aequalitas commented 5 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. If there are multiple labels for a semantic segmentation task then it is quite cumbersome to handle the annotation task especially for small objects.

Describe the solution you'd like For this a simple brush tool like in windows paint can be used for a pixel-based annotation. The data can then be saved with run-length encoding

daandres commented 3 years ago

Is there any effort to implement a brush tool in SIA? It is common for annotating in segmentation tasks to prepare the labels as pixel mask.


jaeger-j commented 3 years ago

Hi @daandres, currently we are not working on a brush tool.

jmount1992 commented 3 years ago

This appears to be an amazing tool and well thought out. However, without a brush tool it unfortunately is not suitable to pixel-wise segmentation tasks. Hope a brush tool, or similar feature, appears in the future.