l7mp / stunner

A Kubernetes media gateway for WebRTC. Contact: info@l7mp.io
MIT License
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v0.16.0 - Websocket error #135

Closed dbason closed 5 months ago

dbason commented 5 months ago

We are seeing the following errors looping in the logs:

19:46:39.420701 client.go:359: config-poller INFO: connection sucessfully opened to config discovery server at "ws://"
19:46:39.421414 reconcile.go:113: stunner INFO: setting loglevel to "all:INFO"
19:46:39.421605 reconcile.go:177: stunner INFO: reconciliation ready: new objects: 0, changed objects: 1, deleted objects: 0, started objects: 0, restarted objects: 0
19:46:39.421653 reconcile.go:181: stunner INFO: status: READY, realm: stunner.l7mp.io, authentication: longterm, listeners: test/stunner-udp-gateway/udp-listener: [turn-udp://10.x.x.x:3478<32768:65535>], active allocations: 0
19:46:40.422774 client.go:334: config-poller ERROR: config file discovery service: websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF

We are currently running v0.16.0 as our current GKE cluster doesn't support the v1 Gateway API. It looks like the CDS process has been rewritten in later versions, but just wondering if there are any workarounds in the meantime.

rg0now commented 5 months ago

Not that I know of. Managed mode was fairly new in v0.16 and we have made an almost complete rewrite during the last two releases exactly to eliminate the instability you are experiencing. I see two alternatives for now:

We're terribly sorry for this situation, we understand how unpleasant this state-of-affairs is to our users. We are at Google's mercy at this point: let's hope they quickly upgrade to v1. Good news is that we're not alone.

dbason commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure if #136 is related to this as well. I will move to standalone mode and confirm if that resolves both issues

dbason commented 5 months ago

This looks to have resolved the issue so I'm going to close it off.