Open ray-001 opened 5 years ago
Hi @ray-001 ,
Sorry for the late answer. For the fuzziness, indeed, you found the right way to do it. We are considering adding a parameter to the search method in an upcoming release. For the pagination, I'll get back to you a soon as possible with a solution.
Hi @ray-001 ,
Regarding the pagination, you could implement something like the following:
{% extends "_layout" %}
{% set title = "Search" %}
{% set results ='q')) %}
{% set resultsDataProvider = create({'class': 'yii\\data\\ArrayDataProvider', 'allModels':results, 'pagination': {'pageSize': 10}}) %} {# adjust pageSize to the expected number of items per page #}
{% set results = resultsDataProvider.getModels() %}
{% set currentPage = resultsDataProvider.getPagination().getPage() + 1 %}
{% set pageCount = resultsDataProvider.getPagination().getPageCount() %}
{% if currentPage > 1 %}
{% set prevPage = currentPage - 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if currentPage < pageCount %}
{% set nextPage = currentPage + 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{{ "Search"|t }}</h1>
<form action="{{ url('search') }}">
<input type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search" value="{{'q') }}">
<input type="submit" value="Go">
{% if results|length %}
<h2>{{ "Results"|t }}</h2>
{% for result in results %}
<h3>{{ result.title }}</h3>
<small><a href="{{ result.url|raw }}">{{ result.url }}</a><br/>
{% if result.highlights|length %}
{% for highlight in result.highlights %}
{{ highlight|raw }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if prevPage is defined %}<a href="{{ url(craft.request.url, {'q':'q'), 'page': prevPage}) }}">Previous Page</a>{% endif %}
{% if nextPage is defined %}<a href="{{ url(craft.request.url, {'q':'q'), 'page': nextPage}) }}">Next Page</a>{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if'q') is not null %}
<em>{{ "No results"|t }}</em>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
This may not be the perfect solution, but it works pretty well.
We will implement a method to pass the search result as a query object to the native paginate
Twig tag in the future.
I hope the answer suits you.
Hi @juban,
Thanks for the reply and the solution. This will work for me.
Kind regards, Raymond
I'm considering using this plugin for one of our clients but I have two questions regarding features of ElasticSearch what needs to be a key feature in our applications:
- Is it possible to make the search queries Fuzzy (not exact matching)-- It's possible to hook upon the before search event to trigger extra param for fuzzinessShould be great to have the option available in function though.
Kind regards, Raymond