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WYSIWYG and Text Area modes for text fields #80

Open ikostenko opened 10 years ago

ikostenko commented 10 years ago

Bugs found

  1. Possible to specify an editor for fields other than String (f.ex., boolean, BigDecimal, association fields, Date, etc). This replaces field type specific editors and makes it possible to enter invalid data into such fields.
  2. Impossible to add an image to WYSISYG editor containing no text: the following JS error is displayed: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined jquery.wysiwyg.js:648 Wysiwyg.dom.w3c.getElement jquery.wysiwyg.js:648 Wysiwyg.dom.getElement jquery.wysiwyg.js:604 $.wysiwyg.controls.image.init wysiwyg.image.js:31 Wysiwyg.controls.insertImage.exec jquery.wysiwyg.js:261 Wysiwyg.triggerControl jquery.wysiwyg.js:1713 (anonymous function) jquery.wysiwyg.js:748 p.event.dispatch jquery-1.8.0.min.js:1334 g.handle.h jquery-1.8.0.min.js:1237 It becomes possible to add an image only after typing in the text area.
  3. Bullets and numbers are not displayed on ListView, QuickView and ShowView
  4. H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6: nothing happens when trying to apply the formatting
  5. 'Indending' makes paragraph be displayed as quote on ListView, QuickView and ShowView
  6. Possible to search by markup used in the content of WYSIWYG field screenshot-86
  7. TextArea field is not resized when resizing a browser window: textarea_fixedwidth