laam4 / noxus

Modified stuff for our CS:GO servers
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Accuracy #4

Open immahobo opened 8 years ago

immahobo commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to get accuracy to track on HLXCE?

laam4 commented 8 years ago

Isn't it tracked for each player? You might need the superlogs-csgo plugin for it to track the accuracy, I'm not sure.

immahobo commented 8 years ago

I haven't been able to get accuracy to track with both the original hlxce and this version of superlogs. I was hoping this would resolve the issue but my stats page still shows all players with 0.0% accuracy.

laam4 commented 8 years ago

Interesting, something somewhere has changed apparently in some point. Our installation doesn't track it anymore either. I just checked some playerstats and every single one had 0% accuracy for this month. Thanks valve. :-1:

hitmany commented 8 years ago

Confirmed on any Hlstatsx version

hitmany commented 8 years ago

Looks like gameme fixed this issue:

3rd January 2016 [V4.7.1] Fixed: Accuracy tracking for CSGO We can investigate them plugin Download here

hitmany commented 8 years ago

Here gameme commits

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Shouldn't it be done by superlogs plugin?

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

include/ always writes shots=0 to log for each entry:

L 05/24/2016 - 23:09:59: "Mathencence<5908><STEAM_1:1:56240241><CT>" triggered "weaponstats2" (weapon "fiveseven") (head "0") (chest "2") (stomach "1") (leftarm "0") (rightarm "0") (leftleg "0") (rightleg "0")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:24: "Beavis<5932><STEAM_1:1:75737392><TERRORIST>" triggered "weaponstats" (weapon "deagle") (shots "0") (hits "5") (kills "3") (headshots "3") (tks "1") (damage "639") (deaths "0")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:24: "Beavis<5932><STEAM_1:1:75737392><TERRORIST>" triggered "weaponstats2" (weapon "deagle") (head "3") (chest "0") (stomach "1") (leftarm "0") (rightarm "1") (leftleg "0") (rightleg "0")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:30: "Angel Luck...<5914><STEAM_1:1:67633035><CT>" triggered "weaponstats" (weapon "deagle") (shots "0") (hits "2") (kills "1") (headshots "1") (tks "0") (damage "231") (deaths "1")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:30: "Angel Luck...<5914><STEAM_1:1:67633035><CT>" triggered "weaponstats2" (weapon "deagle") (head "1") (chest "1") (stomach "0") (leftarm "0") (rightarm "0") (leftleg "0") (rightleg "0")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:37: "Beavis<5932><STEAM_1:1:75737392><TERRORIST>" triggered "weaponstats" (weapon "deagle") (shots "0") (hits "4") (kills "2") (headshots "1") (tks "0") (damage "341") (deaths "0")
L 05/24/2016 - 23:10:37: "Beavis<5932><STEAM_1:1:75737392><TERRORIST>" triggered "weaponstats2" (weapon "deagle") (head "1") (chest "1") (stomach "2") (leftarm "0") (rightarm "0") (leftleg "0") (rightleg "0")
hitmany commented 8 years ago

Found code from gameme:

HookEvent("weapon_fire",                  Event_CSGOPlayerFire);
HookEvent("weapon_fire_on_empty",         Event_CSGOPlayerFire);
public Event_CSGOPlayerFire(Handle: event, const String: name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
    // "userid"        "short"
    // "weapon"        "string"        // weapon name used

    new userid   = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
    if (userid > 0) {
        decl String: weapon_str[32];
        GetEventString(event, "weapon", weapon_str, 32);
        ReplaceString(weapon_str, 32, "weapon_", "", false);
        new weapon_index = get_weapon_index(csgo_weapon_list, MAX_CSGO_WEAPON_COUNT, weapon_str);
        if (weapon_index > -1) {
            if ((weapon_index != 22) && // hegrenade
                (weapon_index != 32) && // inferno
                (weapon_index != 33) && // decoy
                (weapon_index != 34) && // flashbang
                (weapon_index != 35) && // smokegrenade
                (weapon_index != 36) && // molotov
                (weapon_index != 37)) { // incgrenade
melkor217 commented 8 years ago

ReplaceString(weaponstr, 32, "weapon", "", false);

dis one

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Well, sometimes it returns strange stuff like hits < shots for some reasons.

laam4 commented 8 years ago

Hmm... could this be converted to use actual weapon indexes, I have to tinker with stuff.

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Btw, you'll probably need those exceptions for grenades from gameme.

laam4 commented 8 years ago

No need, it's already there if (weapon_index > -1 && weapon_index < IGNORE_SHOTS_START)

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Is hit detection broken atm? Some weapons are recognized wrong for me

usp_silencer, usp_silencer_offf -> p2000 m4a1_silencer, m4a1_silencer_off -> m4a1 cz75a -> ?

laam4 commented 8 years ago

That's why I was thinking to convert it to use actual weapon indexes. Without checking index, usp will be always p2000, m4a1-s will be m4a4 and cz75a is p250 (because when it was introduced it replaced p250, not fiveseven or tec9). That is just csgo in a nutshell. Just like the fact slaying a player when he is hurt will crash the whole server :D

I tinkered something and it seems promising, but now sleep

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Btw, why not to check manually hit count for "broken" weapons before incrementing shoot count?

Yea, it's dirty, but i see it reliable and accurate enough for accuracy stats.

melkor217 commented 8 years ago

Another idea is

Idk if sourcemod guarantees to process hit event before shot event, hehe


Ofc it would be better to get actual weapon without storing additional data (which could be pre-defined by hands or generated in runtime by other event handlers).

Compatibility also makes a problem. inlude/*.inc stuff was designed to be game-independent and for being used by all superlogs plugins.