Closed bcoudrin closed 11 years ago
Nice work. Will definitively be merged.
Can you just avoid reindenting everything so that we can have a meaningful diff? (either configure your editor to behave like emacs default settings or open a separate PR and reindent everything at the same time as you will probably work more on this code than me at this point it is better if this is suitable for your editor ;) ).
Another comment: please write meaningful commit messages. Read this page to know more:
A good rule of thumb is to mimic the previous messages in the project. In my projects this means: use imperative and start lines with an uppercase letter (for the summary).
It is very easy to rewrite the history in Git projects to clean this and avoid messing up history.
Please rewrite / revert the two commits from @graiola. Also one of the two commits from @bcoudrin is done using a different e-mail. It would be better to rewrite it or to add this other email address to your GitHub profile depending on what you prefer.
Merge this one to be coherent with merge in dynamic. @bcoudrin Could you propose a new pull request based upon @thomas-moulard comments ? Thanks.
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