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Alina: 02workflow-week 1&2 #33

Open AlinaTaoRao opened 2 years ago

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

my fork of the exercises repo: workflows-week1-group-5 materials-workflows exercises repo: workflows-week2-pc-group-5

Study Plan

Module02 workflows-Suggested Study

Learning Objectives

Week 1


I Need Help With:

gelilaa commented 2 years ago

@AlinaTaoRao could you move your check-in to a comment in this issue? The issue will be easier to understand if you have only your study plan in the main description and your check-ins + our discussions in the comments.

Let us know what you have covered in your study plan from the list of suggested-study

for reference check this issue

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

Week 1


I Need Help With:

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

@gelilaa Yeah, sure. I've done what you asked for. Please let me know whether I did it right.

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

Please let me know whether I did it right.

99.9% right! We're just in week 1, not week 2

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

npm run spell-check conflict: code ELIFECYCLE

Give a try with these steps, that should help. Let us know if it doesn't

pull request conflict

100% what you should be struggling with these weeks! perfect. The best way to deal with conflicts is to have them all locally on your computer and only to push code once there are no conflicts. You can do this by following this workflow:

Now you'll certainly have some troubles resolving your conflicts locally, that's normal. So let us know when that happens and someone will be able to help

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

tracking/manage my issue

Working with issues is one part learning the GitHub interface, and one part building discipline in your work habits. Both of those will take time, and there's plenty of time to practice in the coming modules as well.

tracking a issue from someone other's(if I have the same question/problem)

The best tip for this is learning how to use the search feature for issues in GitHub. Besides that it's also everyone's responsibility to use helpful labels and to make sure they aren't opening many issues with the same question - there should only be one issue per topic and it should be easy to find.

If you start seeing many issues with the same question you can always mention the other issue in a comment and suggest closing one. This is common enough that it's even in the GitHub docs

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

@colevandersWands Thanks for your advice. I'll try.

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

Week 2


I Need Help With:

development strategy: analysis, strategy formation. How to set a development strategy of a website including several webpages. I need a good example.

What went well?

What went less well?

about git branch

Lessons Learned

Sunday Prep Work

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

How to set a development strategy of a website including several webpages. I need a good example.

My tip for planning one is to think in user stories and priorities (must, could, should) instead of in pages. Write a development strategy for all the must-have user stories, and just mention in each task's issue which page it should be a part of. This way your website will be gradually grow one important feature at a time, and each page will grow larger only when an important feature is added to it.

Next module you'll get a chance to build 2 multi-page websites.

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

analysis, strategy formation.

not much to say here but time and practice, this will be the main focus of Agile Development - how to create, follow and adapt a development strategy. This is not easy and it's a never-ending learning process. When you reach Separation of Concerns and beyond you'll learn more about how to fit JS into your strategies

AlinaTaoRao commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your advice.