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Sanne Sofie: Component-based-design, chapter 1 week 1 #351

Open sannesofie opened 2 years ago

sannesofie commented 2 years ago


🥚functional React components: you can ...

sannesofie commented 2 years ago



I Need Help With: I don't know what code to write in each jsx file, this will take me time to learn, like with all coding for me

What went well? I fully understand the idea of working in components and I like it, but for me it has to be simple or else I get lost in all the import/exports

What went less well? Had so many problems with VS Code used so much time to try and get it right, also misunderstood the exercise so I used a lot of time setting up repos and copy-pasting things

Lessons Learned VS code can be very annoying when not working. I worked alone this week, had help from Kenneth

Sunday Prep Work watch tutorials, clone repo, finish 1 project

sannesofie commented 2 years ago



I Need Help With: Coding just does not come easy to me... I get stuck with whatever I try and it makes me feel stupid (projects in Codecademy) the current task "movie list" is too advanced for me

What went well? I know all the setting up of React but actually creating something is not happening yet, everything is going to fast for me

What went less well? I am trying to finish Codecademy JS (in hope that it will spark my coding understanding, but getting stuck in projects all the time is not very motivating)

Lessons Learned That everything is going to fast for me

Sunday Prep Work Meet with study group to check what to study for Sunday