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Zeynep: UX/UI Design, 2 Weeks #260

Open Melati5 opened 2 years ago

Melati5 commented 2 years ago

1. Design Thinking

Melati5 commented 2 years ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

I couldnt find good online teaching UX/Ul. l watched freecode camp's videos and l followed study tips but l still not feel comfortable enough about UX/Ul Design.Maybe its about my anxuous dont know

What went well?

  1. Prototyping of papiers was good
  2. l have Figma account now and tried to use a little
  3. l really enjoyed this week materials and Carmen's and Benjamin's explanation

What went less well?

l couldnt use my figma account. l tried a few times but The videos looks like everybody know basic using

Lessons Learned

Have to be carefull about what is goal because l prepared many of papier but Harun said its not about my project

Sunday Prep Work

Keep studying :)

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@Melati5 dear Zeynep, as you mention, UX/UI is a field on its own and it is in fact complex and being comfortable with design takes a lot of time. what is important for this module is that you understand as a developer that this phase exists and what it involves from stakeholder and user interviews to creating prototypes and UI designs before starting the coding. since it is a huge area, there are tons of resources explaining different parts of it in different detail. you can always refer to the suggested study md file for some nice material.

can you please say what is not working with your Figma account?

Melati5 commented 2 years ago

Actually I understood consept but the problem was using figma looks complex to me