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Kiishi: UX/UI Design, 2 weeks #263

Open kiishiakande opened 2 years ago

kiishiakande commented 2 years ago

my prototype

kiishiakande commented 2 years ago

I Need Help With:

I found the figma platform quite overwhelming and a bit difficut to maneuver.

What went well?

Understanding the basics of UX was really good compared to the basics of any other module thus far Prototyping is great way to visualise solutions to tasks

What went less well?

At first the double diamond concept was hard for me to grasp

Lessons Learned

To ask a lot of questions!

Sunday Prep Work

Practice using figma

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

At first the double diamond concept was hard for me to grasp

this video might help in understanding the concept:

To ask a lot of questions!

yesss!!! always a good idea!

kiishiakande commented 2 years ago

What went well?

I really enjoyed the slides and exploring aspects of design I had not thought about prior to this

What went less well?

It took me a while to understand the task of the week

Lessons Learned

How important the design of a website is to the success of the website

Sunday Prep Work

Continue practicing

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

can you please add a link to your interview and the Figma document?