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Haneefa: Inside JS, 4 weeks #328

Open Haneefa-Shaik opened 2 years ago

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Inside JS

Learning Objectives

Priorities: 🥚, 🐣, 🐥, 🐔 (click to learn more)
There is a lot to learn in this repository. If you can't master all the material at once, that's expected! Anything you don't master now will always be waiting for you to review when you need it. These 4 emoji's will help you prioritize your study time and to measure your progress: - 🥚: Understanding this material is required, it covers the base skills you'll need to move on. You do not need to finish all of them but should feel comfortable that you could with enough time. - 🐣: You have started all of these exercises and feel you could complete them all if you just had more time. It may not be easy for you but with effort you can make it through. - 🐥: You have studied the examples and started some exercises if you had time. You should have a big-picture understanding of these concepts/skills, but may not be confident completing the exercises. - 🐔: These concepts or skills are not necessary but are related to this module. If you are finished with 🥚, 🐣 and 🐥 you can use the 🐔 exercises to push yourself without getting distracted from the module's main objectives. ---

0. Asserting

1. Primitives and Operators

2. Control Flow

3. Functions

5. Unit Testing

6. ES Modules

6. Using Functions

7. Arrays

8. Functional Array Methods

9. Objects

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

I tried writing unit testing for some small programs. It is a little bit difficult to remember the syntax and I am trying slowly to compare it with the examples given.

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

Sunday Prep Work

colevandersWands commented 2 years ago

I tried writing unit testing for some small programs. It is a little bit difficult to remember the syntax and I am trying slowly to compare it with the examples given.

There's no rush to learn this. You'll continue practicing unit tests for the rest of this module and the next. It's not a simple thing to learn, and even once you know the syntax it still takes lots of practice to read and understand good unit tests.

danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

@Haneefa-Shaik it is already a more advanced skill, so do not worry :)

🐣 Writing Tests: Given a working function, you can write passing unit tests to describe it's behavior.

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Thank you @colevandersWands and @danielhalasz for the advice

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Week 2

I Need Help With:

As of now, nothing particular. Everything is going smooth.

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

Try to write the code on your own.

Sunday Prep Work


danielhalasz commented 2 years ago
  • Avoiding the side effects

sometimes you do not need to avoid them

  • infinite loop exercise. I really didn't understand what to do with the exercise. I simply understood that we may still get infinite loops when using for..of.

you understood it perfectly, there is no code to write there :) if you meant this:

const allNumbers = [0];
for (const number of allNumbers) {
  allNumbers.push(number + 1);
Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

@danielhalasz Yes i meant the same code. And yes i understood the concept. Thank you

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Week 3

I Need Help With:

As of now, Everything is going good

What went well?

What went less well?

The Remove program really gave my mind, a little bit of pressure. Thinking the logic is a little bit tricky for me as we didn't cover filter and splice yet. I literally spent 5 hours of time on that program, but finally, find a way for it. At last, when I saw Maria's solution, I learned that thinking logic differs from person to person. I am happy to see more than one solution to a program.

Lessons Learned

Don't give up, try and try until you get it.

Sunday Prep Work

i completed the exercises and now i am trying to study more and practice similar programs to strengthen my writing code skills. The only way to get the logic is to PRACTICE and Practice a lot.


danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

I literally spent 5 hours of time on that program, but finally, find a way for it. At last, when I saw Maria's solution, I learned that thinking logic differs from person to person. I am happy to see more than one solution to a program.

oooh, I am so happy to hear it, this is the core skill and dedication that is needed to become a developer!

Don't give up, try and try until you get it.

best advice!!

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Week 4

I Need Help With:

Everything is going well.

What went well?

What went less well?

sometimes I am not able to explain well to my co-students about the logic. I don't have more knowledge but whatever I understand, I used to help my friends. I don't know these days, whenever other students are asking for help, I am failing in making them understand properly. It makes me fear, how can i explain the logic to an interviewer, when some program is asked to debug in the interview. I must agree that this thinking stressed me a lit bit in focussing.

Lessons Learned

Overthinking Kills. Focus on the present.

Sunday Prep Work

Continuing to learn more about objects.


danielhalasz commented 2 years ago

whenever other students are asking for help, I am failing in making them understand properly.

first of all, i would like to thank you for being there for others and trying to help and explain concepts to them. it is a great practice that helps you as well to understand to code better, if you try to show your thinking to others. there are many new words and concepts, so it is natural that it takes some time to be more comfortable with using them. you are on the right track!! step by step, you will become better each day.

Haneefa-Shaik commented 2 years ago

Thank you @danielhalasz for the advice