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Fenny: Asynchronous Programming, 3 weeks #388

Open FennyWilriani opened 1 year ago

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Asynchronous Programming

Learning Objectives

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Week 1

I Need Help With:

What went well?

It was a good start on last Sunday, the material and exercises learned is quite easy to understand. Currently I'm in attempt to create simple stopwatch to applying bit of my understanding on setInterval() & clearInterval().

What went less well?

Still struggling with time management πŸ˜…πŸ™

Lessons Learned

More readings on promises, better prep before class is a cliche yet it is necessary.

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago

Week 3

I Need Help With:

Apology is in order as I've missed the class last sunday, due to family matter, so i will need to catch up with the material and exercises that has been assigned. I will ask around the classmates regarding this.

What went well?

What went less well?

Lessons Learned

FennyWilriani commented 1 year ago



What was not clear, where did you get stuck?

Most of the time i got confused and stuck with callback function and refacoring callbacks.

What was clear, what did you master?

I don't dare to say it master, yet im confidence enough in understanding the use of timeout, interval, & promises and apply it in the little exercises as a part of module assignment.

Where can you still use some help?

Although its not from this module, yet from time to time I always need more resources and observing other examples on how to separate my function/code.

Where can you help others moving forwards?

Im afraid to say at this point that i'm still not confident enough to help the other entirely for this module, yet im a big fan of working together in order to get some input in finishing lil project, that way we can help each other in the area that we were lack of.

The Course

What can there be more of?

Nothing that I can think of, the coaches from this module are quite clear and really helpful in delivering the materials.

What can there be less of?

What material were most helpful (from HYF or elsewhere)?

Almost all resources that suggested by HYF is quite helpful.

What HYF material was least helpful?

Any suggestions for future classes?

More real live sample, where we usually can apply the materi of module that we are learning in some familiar project.